A #Complexity Approach to #CulturalBorderStudies | #UniGR_CBS
ID: 1365762938959716352
http://www.bordertextures.org 27-02-2021 20:37:22
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Adityo D. Sudagung
Alumni International Relations @unpad | Lecturer IR @untanpontianak | Studying Development Studies @univienna | Borders & belonging in West Kalimantan-Sarawak
Dr. Tamara Mulherin 🇵🇬🇦🇺🏴
Politics PhD in health & social care integration, feminist, ethnography, public admin/policy, sociomateriality of organising & partnership, all things textiles
Anupam Omi
Doctoral Researcher (Social and Cultural Encounters) @UniEastFinland ::::Disposable Life, Waste, Biopolitics, Dystopian Literature::::
Olga Usachova
sociology, STS | postdoc @NTNU, former @UniPadova| interests: smart grids, digital technology design/use, migration governance, sustainable computing
Postdoc at @TCDsociology. Prev at @uccsoc @ucdsociology & @GVAGrad_IntHist alum. Reprojustice, poco feminisms, borders & borderlands, migration.
Mercy Gitonga
Africanist, Humanist, Securalist, Anthropologist in the making, Aspiring academic, A pro-borderless world/free migration advocate, &Unapologetic introvert.
swastisha mukherjee

Abu Sufian Shamrat
Assistant Commissioner of Customs, Excise and VAT, Bangladesh 👉Area of Interst: Geopolitics & South Asia, Geoeconomics of borders & borderlands
Teverayi Muguti
Postdoctoral Fellow, History Dept, Stellenbosch University - African Border Studies|Borderland Communities & livelihoods | Cue Sport of Pool 🎱 & livelihoods .
Historiadora del Arte
RISE my friend !! .......................... Radically Inspire Someone to Raise !!!🌴
Sébastien Tremblay
Historian (Berlin/Flensburg) global / German / queer history, memory studies, history of hiking. He/Him. Grufti 🦦 Nerd & 🩰. Born in Montréal / Tiohtià:ke

Miguel Girón
Historian of the San Diego-Tijuana borderlands Urban and Labor History PhD Student at @NorthwesternU Editor of Not From Here (@IEHS1965)
Cinthya Martínez, PhD
Migrant. Abolition. Feminist. | Assistant Professor at UC Santa Cruz | Abolish Borders, ICE, & HeteroPatriarchy | Theorizing Migrant Abolition Geographies
Nancy Rios-Contreras, PhD
Assistant Professor of Sociology @ChapmanU: Border PAR, Migration, Race/Ethnicity, Criminology, Disasters, Visual Soc, Aussie Pup, She/Ella
chiara m.
researching migration, borders, solidarities
Denis Zeković
Researcher @DezimInstitut | graduate international development studies at @UvA_Amsterdam | all about migration and borders | he/him
Lethbridge Border Studies
The Lethbridge Border Studies group is Paul McKenzie-Jones @ScouseProf_PMJ, Sheila McManus @nevermetafence, & Julie Young, U of L, Treaty 7 territory
Evren Ozselcuk

William Kutz
Geographer at @CORS_LU + @CemesOresund. Researches borders and territoriality; urban political economy; historical-geography of science; epistemologies of space

Frédérique Morel-Doridat 🇪🇺
Docteure en Géographie | enseignante en géographie à @cufrmayotte | ex Cheffe de projet @unigr_cbs | Chercheure associée au @LOTERR2
Frederik Blank
Studying German settler colonialism on the Canadian prairies @jfkinstitutefub | 🎓 @unipotsdam
Olle Järv 🇺🇦
Human Geographer / Academy Research Fellow @digigeolab @HelsinkiUni | Human Mobility, Urban Studies, Big Data, Transnationalism, Multi-local living
Irene Sánchez Izquierdo
arte, educación, investigación y museos FPI en Universidad de Alcalá trabajo en frontespo.org
AD Fronteras GeoPol
pesquisar ensinar escrever ler viajar (que saudades)

paolo novak
borders, border management, development, migration. sottovoce
Maria Klessmann
KulWiss @Viadrina Center #BORDERSINMOTION | speaker @KWGev section #culturalborderstudies | editorial team @kwz_de | research borders & migration
Kristen A. Kolenz
asst prof of International Studies @CentreCollege • gender studies PhD studying transformation from Central America • free them all

Md Anisujjaman ( PhD, JNU)
Asst Professor department of geography,SKBU. Interested in Bengal Border, Immigration discourse.
Mert Cangönül
PhD Candidate @kocuniversity & @UvA_AISSR Passports, visas, inequalities, and (b)order surveillance

Autor, Bürgermeister a.D., Radio-Redakteur a.D., Europawissenschaftler, Verwaltungswissenschaftler
Isabella Morgan Vera

Sauro Dasgupta
B-SHAPES is a Horizon Europe project analysing borders' role as a key factor shaping perceptions of European Societies.
Curating and publishing the stories of African borders and borderlands as experienced by everyday border users.
Priyanka Ghosh
PhD candidate, Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University. Alumnus of Hyderabad University. '19
Paolo Chiocchetti
Lecturer in British Politics at @GBZ_HUBerlin @HumboldtUni. British and European politics, European integration, radical left, public policy. Managing @PSA_IPSG
Jo-Ansie van Wyk
Research Professor in International Politics, @unisa in Pretoria, South Africa. @STIAS Fellow '24. Co-editor @AfricaPIR. Nuclear politics. Caveats apply.
Dr. Sheila McManus has found bluer skies
Settler in Siksikaitsitapii territory. Bi NB borderlands historian. TheyThem. Passionate about t&l in higher ed. #studentsmatter
Dr Zana Vathi
Associate Professor|#migration| #diversity| #inclusion| IEB member @ERSjournal| Associate @journalCMS| Consultant| Northern mind, Southern soul| Own views
Xosé A. Álvarez
ONG Aduaneiros Sen Fronteiras. Dialectólogo, fronteirólogo, linguólogo. Traballa na @UAHes
Anit Kumar
Peace is the mission..🎯
Sanjay Adhikari
Cogito, ergo sum. A seeker............
Anamika Roy
Research Scholar at Jawaharlal Nehru University. interested in -- Border, geopolitics, gender, indegenous culture, citizenship etc
Lola Aubry
Postdoctoral researcher UniGR -CBS, University of Luxembourg / Border studies , ethnography, Migration, new materialisms, sciences studies, feminist theory