jess (@besmirchabitch) 's Twitter Profile



ID: 1337544109674774528

calendar_today11-12-2020 23:45:53

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The Nerds of Color (@thenerdsofcolor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NOC Interview: Jess McLeod on Their Role in ‘It’s A Wonderful Knife’ and the Fun of the Horror Comedy Genre #ItsAWonderfulKnifeMovie #ItsAWonderfulKnife RLJE Films Shudder…

CRAVEN Something Scary (@cravenmovies) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join me TONIGHT at 8pm central & my guest "Jess Mcleod" who plays "Bernie" in the excellent Christmas slasher film "It's A Wonderful Knife"! Click the link below NOW! See YOU there! 😱🔪🔪😱… #itsawonderfulknife jess RLJE Films Shudder

Join me TONIGHT at 8pm central & my guest "Jess Mcleod" who plays "Bernie" in the excellent Christmas slasher film "It's A Wonderful Knife"! Click the link  below NOW! See YOU there! 😱🔪🔪😱… 
#itsawonderfulknife <a href="/besmirchabitch/">jess</a> <a href="/RLJEfilms/">RLJE Films</a> <a href="/Shudder/">Shudder</a>
they/them might be giants ☭ (@babadookspinoza) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Seeing photos from the Met Gala between the corpse of a young girl with her throat ripped open and a doctor picking up pieces of skin and intestine to throw into a body bag with the rest of a mangled body and thinking that not a single thing about this world can remain as it is.

Sofia ''Buff Girlfriend'' (@sofiabuffgf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

To all the young trans people who are understandably scared right now, my best advice is to learn your history. Read everything you can. Read about all the awful and terrible ways this country has tried to suppress us and read about all the ways we've survived in spite of it all.

kendra (@kendramorous) 's Twitter Profile Photo

lock tf in. get your ass in mutual aid groups. lend your time to meal services. care for people in the way a vote simply never could. advocate for community gardens and libraries. stop betraying community. you don’t get a sticker or gold star. lock in.

rosie (@nickyn0mates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"seriously that's it? that's class?" has to be one of my favorite jokes in the movie because there are no time cuts here so the class literally lasted less than two minutes