Richard Berndt
ID: 937513997577760769
04-12-2017 02:48:49
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A mere 8 years after Bernie Sanders almost won the Dem presidential nomination, most of the themes of his campaign — Medicare for All, anti-corruption, fighting corporate power & a laser focus on economic issues — have been largely erased from Dems’ national political discourse.
Mark Horvath Jail is the most expensive option. Where are those fiscal conservatives?!?
If you are wondering who UK's new PM Keir Starmer is, wait no further. This will be an interesting thread.
Just so we're all clear, I've added Judith Curry's 2014 "hiatus" (no additional warming) prediction on this graph showing what's actually happened since: (h/t Really_Bad_At_Names, Good at Science🦎)
If Kamala Harris focuses her campaign on "democracy" rather than on economic populist policies that help the working class, she'll probably lose. If she & her donors revert Dems back to the corporatism of the Obama years, she'll probably lose.