Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile
Becky Hare


Facilitator of all things edu, and always a learner.

ID: 349443901

calendar_today06-08-2011 03:21:51

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Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Two ways we can have influence when thinking about climate change, and helping tamariki to envision and act upon their positive futures. #ulearn20 Rachel Bolstad

Two ways we can have influence when thinking about climate change, and helping tamariki to envision and act upon their positive futures. #ulearn20 <a href="/shiftingthinkng/">Rachel Bolstad</a>
Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Such an informative and practical session asking educators to be supportive, visible and influential as a collective and a profession to think into the generational future. Report due out in 2 weeks for more.Rachel Bolstad

Such an informative and practical session asking educators to be supportive, visible and influential as a collective and a profession to think into the generational future. Report due out in 2 weeks for more.<a href="/shiftingthinkng/">Rachel Bolstad</a>
Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We put Margi through her paces in 10 minutes flat, about NUMICON Maths - using language, concepts, tools to form generalisations. Visit the Edushop-NUMICON Maths for more marvellous resources Margi Leech Great session! #ulearn20

We put Margi through her paces in 10 minutes flat, about NUMICON Maths  - using language, concepts, tools to form generalisations. Visit the Edushop-NUMICON Maths  for more marvellous resources <a href="/numiconnz/">Margi Leech</a> Great session! #ulearn20
Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Increasingly I feel that educators support akonga to stand on their own feet."To live, succeed and thrive - Kia tu Rangatira ai: To stand like the chief we were born to be." Dr Lucy Hone Asking us to notice and make it our job to show kids the many ways to excel. #ulearn20 đŸ„°

Increasingly I feel that educators support akonga to stand on their own feet."To live, succeed and thrive - Kia tu Rangatira ai: To stand like the chief we were born to be."  <a href="/drlucyhone/">Dr Lucy Hone</a> Asking us to notice and make it our job to show kids the  many ways to excel. #ulearn20 đŸ„°
Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I was wondering why and how we measure social and emotional competence. The Boxall Profile looks at Developmental strands and Diagnostic profile to enable access learning. Impt focus ares for social behaviours and wellbeing. #ulearn20

I was wondering why and how we measure social and emotional competence. The Boxall Profile looks at Developmental strands and Diagnostic profile to enable access learning. Impt focus ares for social behaviours and wellbeing. #ulearn20
Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What does NO NORMAL look like, alongside Kathie Rifle Collaborative kƍrerƍ: Home & school based culture, less structure, more celebration, life skills, students knowing their identity, to be able to stand comfortably in te ao Māori and Pākeha worlds. #ulearn20 Ka rawe!

Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Download CORE’s Ten Trends and have a read. It’s not a crystal ball, but it can help you prepare yourself and the learners in your care, for your futures. #ulearn20

Adam Dalton (@robotiguy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking forward to connecting with educators in New Zealand for #uLearn20 to speak about Robotify all the way from Dublin. 🇼đŸ‡Ș

Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Adobe Premier Rush is so powerful! You can do all of this on your phone or iPad and export to video file. Beginners can try this. #uLearn20 Tim Kitchen

Duncan Trickey (@duncantrickey) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How can we shift our school paradigm from measuring perception of ability to developing talent in all children? Pedro Noguera explaining the important mahi ahead. uLearn #ulearn20

How can we shift our school paradigm from measuring perception of ability to developing talent in all children? <a href="/PedroNoguera/">Pedro Noguera</a> explaining the important mahi ahead. <a href="/ULearnNZ/">uLearn</a> #ulearn20
Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Successful people are servants and they share with others. The true measure of success should be determined by the quality of the democracy in which we live.” Being invested in democratic, critically informed citizens is us. #ulearn20 Dr Peter O’Connor uLearn

“Successful people are servants and they share with others. The true measure of success should be determined by the quality of the democracy in which we live.” Being invested in democratic, critically informed citizens is us. #ulearn20 Dr Peter O’Connor <a href="/ULearnNZ/">uLearn</a>
Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Individual achievement is not all that matters. What rainbows can you scoop up and share with others? #ulearn20 uLearn What a way to close! Dr Peter O’Connor I could, listen, sing and scoop rainbows 🌈 all day in the company of others.

Becky Hare (@beckyhare26) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am hopeful. Engage with others in the beauty of the things we make, we do, we dance, we visualise. Teach for multiple rainbows. Share them. So very glad we invited Peter O’Connor. Breathing your joy and honouring who we come from. Thank you 🙏

CENTURY (@thisiscentury) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"What we need to ask is 'does assessment allow children to find out for themselves what they need to do next?' Their results shouldn’t just give them a score, it should give them information about what they need to do next to get a higher score." Tom Sherrington #futureofassessment

"What we need to ask is 'does assessment allow children to find out for themselves what they need to do next?' Their results shouldn’t just give them a score, it should give them information about what they need to do next to get a higher score." <a href="/teacherhead/">Tom Sherrington</a> #futureofassessment