Asma Maqsood-Shah FCCT (@asmamaqsoodshah) 's Twitter Profile
Asma Maqsood-Shah FCCT


Primary Regional Director, Leadership Development Lead, ECT Lead, Strategic Lead for EYFS and Phonics at Astrea. Coach and Mentor. All views my own.

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calendar_today23-08-2019 22:10:06

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Katy Walsh (@katywalsh19) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yorks100 Simply the best CPD I’ve had the pleasure to be a part of. Cohort 1 was full of passionate, resilient school leaders who had a shared mission - to eradicate educational inequality for the children of Yorkshire Yorks100 Verity Howorth Beckfoot Trust

Simply the best CPD I’ve had the pleasure to be a part of.
Cohort 1 was full of passionate, resilient school leaders who had a shared mission - to eradicate educational inequality for the children of Yorkshire 
<a href="/LeadYorks100/">Yorks100</a> <a href="/VerityHoworth/">Verity Howorth</a> <a href="/BeckfootTrust/">Beckfoot Trust</a>
Hexthorpe Primary (@hexthorpepri) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Year 3 had lots of fun looking at different rocks Austerfield SC. They investigated and were able to use their prior knowledge to help, but also learnt something new! They visited the quarry and were able to weigh the whole of Green Arrow on the lorry scales(960kg!).

Year 3 had lots of fun looking at different rocks <a href="/austerfield_sc/">Austerfield SC</a>. They investigated and were able to use their prior knowledge to help, but also learnt something new! They visited the quarry and were able to weigh the whole of Green Arrow on the lorry scales(960kg!).
Hexthorpe Primary (@hexthorpepri) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A great start to the year with whole staff CPD: Safeguarding and culture; positive relationships and looking at our building blocks of excellence. Astrea Academy Trust Asma Maqsood-Shah FCCT #beingbrilliant

A great start to the year with whole staff CPD: Safeguarding and culture; positive relationships and looking at our building blocks of excellence.  <a href="/astreaacademies/">Astrea Academy Trust</a> <a href="/AsmaMaqsoodShah/">Asma Maqsood-Shah FCCT</a> #beingbrilliant
Louise Stanton (@louises34334411) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our whole school environment is set up ready to provide a strong start for all of our children. #beingbrilliant #strongstart ⭐️

Asma Maqsood-Shah FCCT (@asmamaqsoodshah) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A truly amazing school that is on a fast pace journey to excellence. A brilliant team to be part of. 👇🏽#HexthorpeBeingBrilliant

WaverleyAcademy (@academywaverley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Training opportunity ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We are thrilled to be hosting Ofsted ‘Best Start in Life curriculum’ roadshow on 11th October at 9:00am. Please do get in touch if you would like to join us.

Helen Bevan (@helenbevan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How many people does it take to change an organisation, system or culture? In his book "Change, How to Make Big Things Happen", Damon Centola shows how change became inevitable when 25% of the people were on the side of making the shift - a “committed minority group” driving the

How many people does it take to change an organisation, system or culture? In his book "Change, How to Make Big Things Happen", <a href="/DamonCentola/">Damon Centola</a> shows how change became inevitable when 25% of the people were on the side of making the shift - a  “committed minority group” driving the
Hexthorpe Primary (@hexthorpepri) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some really in-depth discussions in our first Junior Citizens meeting today led by Your Life Doncaster - Central Area we are all really excited for the learning and working together throughout this year. Astrea Academy Trust #pd

Some really in-depth discussions in our first Junior Citizens meeting today led by <a href="/CentralAreaTeam/">Your Life Doncaster - Central Area</a> we are all really excited for the learning and working together throughout this year. <a href="/astreaacademies/">Astrea Academy Trust</a> #pd
Ros Wilson (@rosbigwriting) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DIGITAL BOOK GIVEAWAY: We have 5 PDF digital copies of our new book Oracy Is Not Just Speaking and Listening to giveaway. Simply retweet and/or tag a colleague to enter. You could also comment to share what oracy means to you. Closes 10pm Sunday.

DIGITAL BOOK GIVEAWAY: We have 5 PDF digital copies of our new book Oracy Is Not Just Speaking and Listening to giveaway. Simply retweet and/or tag a colleague to enter. You could also comment to share what oracy means to you. Closes 10pm Sunday.
Kinderly (@kinderly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

danielleB Dr Sue Allingham #Birthto5Matters Asma Maqsood-Shah FCCT Hi Danielle! You can access the recording by signing up to our CPD platform Kinderly Learn. Over 250 expert webinars for less than £2/week. We have quite a few of Dr Sue's webinars, so could be worth it!