Ashly Witek (@ashly_witek) 's Twitter Profile
Ashly Witek


HR Coordinator. Wife. Mother. Life Long Learner. Leader. TAMU-CC & UT Tyler Alumni. ✝️

ID: 743942220680552448

link calendar_today17-06-2016 23:03:42

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Ashly Witek (@ashly_witek) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m excited to present to our AVID tutors today! πŸ’Ί Buckle up, because we will be discussing and practicing giving/ receiving feedback & addressing difficult conversations! Seat backs and tray tables in their upright and locked πŸ”’ positions! ✈️

I’m excited to present to our <a href="/AVID4College/">AVID</a> tutors today! πŸ’Ί Buckle up,  because we will be discussing and practicing giving/ receiving feedback &amp; addressing difficult conversations! Seat backs and tray tables in their upright and locked πŸ”’ positions! ✈️