Andrew Rosenkrantz (@arosenkrantzmd) 's Twitter Profile
Andrew Rosenkrantz


Editor in Chief @AJR_Radiology. Professor of Radiology @nyulangone.

ID: 1296242120

link calendar_today24-03-2013 18:44:22

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Andrew Rosenkrantz (@arosenkrantzmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Beyond the AJR: Large-Scale Evidence for Good Diagnostic Accuracy of Automated AI-Based Prostate MRI Interpretation Calls for Prospective Evaluation" By Drs Benndorf & Oerther Bielefeld University UniversitƤt Freiburgā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Beyond the AJR: Large-Scale Evidence for Good Diagnostic Accuracy of Automated AI-Based Prostate MRI Interpretation Calls for Prospective Evaluation"

By Drs Benndorf &amp; Oerther <a href="/unibielefeld/">Bielefeld University</a> <a href="/UniFreiburg/">UniversitƤt Freiburg</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "CT Surveillance for Local Recurrence After Pancreatic Cancer Resection: Evaluation of Imaging Findings From the SAR Disease-Focused Panel Consensus Statement" By Dr Kim & team Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centerā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"CT Surveillance for Local Recurrence After Pancreatic Cancer Resection: Evaluation of Imaging Findings From the SAR Disease-Focused Panel Consensus Statement"

By Dr Kim &amp; team <a href="/MSKCancerCenter/">Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Effect of Vessel Attenuation, VMI Level, and Reconstruction Kernel on Pericoronary Adipose Tissue Attenuation for EID CT and PCD CT: An Ex Vivo Porcine Heart Study" By Drs Pitteloud, Alkadhi, & team University of Zurichā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Effect of Vessel Attenuation, VMI Level, and Reconstruction Kernel on Pericoronary Adipose Tissue Attenuation for EID CT and PCD CT: An Ex Vivo Porcine Heart Study"

By Drs Pitteloud, <a href="/Alkadhi_rad/">Alkadhi</a>, &amp; team <a href="/UZH_en/">University of Zurich</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "A Musculoskeletal Radiology Medical School Elective Rotation: Perspective by an Orthopedic Surgery Subintern" By Hines Harvard Medical Schoolā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"A Musculoskeletal Radiology Medical School Elective Rotation: Perspective by an Orthopedic Surgery Subintern"

By Hines <a href="/harvardmed/">Harvard Medical School</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "T1 Mapping of the Abdomen, From the AJR 'How We Do Itā€ Special Series'" By Dr Serai & team CHOP Radiologyā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"T1 Mapping of the Abdomen, From the AJR 'How We Do Itā€ Special Series'"

By Dr Serai &amp; team <a href="/CHOPRadiology/">CHOP Radiology</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Importance of Education in Radiation Safety During Medical School:A Medical Studentā€™s Perspective" By Anisha Mittal Penn State Healthā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Importance of Education in Radiation Safety During Medical School:A Medical Studentā€™s Perspective"

By <a href="/AnishaMittal36/">Anisha Mittal</a> <a href="/PennStHershey/">Penn State Health</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Beyond the AJR: Pericoronary Fat Attenuation Index MeasurementsWith CTā€“The Need for Standardization" By Drs Matthias Eberhard & Alkadhi University of Zurichā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Beyond the AJR: Pericoronary Fat Attenuation Index MeasurementsWith CTā€“The Need for Standardization"

By Drs <a href="/MatthEberhard/">Matthias Eberhard</a> &amp; <a href="/Alkadhi_rad/">Alkadhi</a> <a href="/UZH_en/">University of Zurich</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Whole-Body Multiparametric PET in Clinical Oncology: Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities" By Dr Fraum & team Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiologyā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Whole-Body Multiparametric PET in Clinical Oncology: Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities"

By Dr Fraum &amp; team <a href="/MIRimaging/">Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology</a>ā€¦
Andrew Rosenkrantz (@arosenkrantzmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Prospective Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence Triage of Intracranial Hemorrhage on Noncontrast Head CT Examinations" By Drs Savage, Smith, & team UAB Radiology St. Jude Researchā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Prospective Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence Triage of Intracranial Hemorrhage on Noncontrast Head CT Examinations"

By Drs Savage, Smith, &amp; team <a href="/UABRadiology/">UAB Radiology</a> <a href="/StJudeResearch/">St. Jude Research</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Association of Time Since Diagnosis of Pediatric Ileocolic Intussusception With Success of Attempted Reduction: Analysis in 1065 Patients" By Livja Mertiri, MD & team Texas Children's Radiologyā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Association of Time Since Diagnosis of Pediatric Ileocolic Intussusception With Success of Attempted Reduction: Analysis in 1065 Patients"

By <a href="/LivjaM/">Livja Mertiri, MD</a> &amp; team <a href="/TCHRadiology/">Texas Children's Radiology</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Lung Cancer Staging Using Chest CT and FDG PET/CT Reports: Comparison Among Three ChatGPT Models and Six Human Readers of Varying Experience" By Drs Lee, Park, Jeong, & team Asan Medical Center CNU HOSPITAL Pusan National Universityā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Lung Cancer Staging Using Chest CT and FDG PET/CT  Reports: Comparison Among Three ChatGPT Models and Six Human Readers of Varying Experience"

By Drs Lee, Park, Jeong, &amp; team <a href="/AsanMedicalCtr/">Asan Medical Center</a> <a href="/jointmedi/">CNU HOSPITAL </a> <a href="/PusanUni/">Pusan National University</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Neonatal Anthropometric Measurements: Comparison of 3-T Fetal MRI Exposure, 1.5-T Fetal MRI Exposure, and No In-Utero MRI Exposure" By Drs Danzer, Pena-Trujillo, Victoria, & team Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Mass General Imagingā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Neonatal Anthropometric Measurements: Comparison of 3-T Fetal MRI Exposure, 1.5-T Fetal MRI Exposure, and No In-Utero MRI Exposure"

By Drs Danzer, Pena-Trujillo, Victoria, &amp; team <a href="/MSKCancerCenter/">Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center</a> <a href="/MGHImaging/">Mass General Imaging</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Diagnostic Performance of MRI and FDG PET/CT for Preoperative Locoregional Staging of Colon Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" By Drs Sikkenk, Costen, & team University of Groningenā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Diagnostic Performance of MRI and FDG PET/CT for Preoperative Locoregional Staging of Colon Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"

By Drs Sikkenk, Costen, &amp; team <a href="/univgroningen/">University of Groningen</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "PPV of Bone Uptake of 18F-Flotufolastat: Evaluation Using SPOTLIGHT Study Data" By Dr Schuster & team Emory Radiologyā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"PPV of Bone Uptake of 18F-Flotufolastat: Evaluation Using SPOTLIGHT Study Data"

By Dr Schuster &amp; team <a href="/EmoryRadiology/">Emory Radiology</a>ā€¦
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New AJR Accepted Manuscript: "Quantitative Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Based Elastography for Chronic Liver Disease: Practical Guidance, From the AJR Special Series on Quantitative Imaging" By Drs Zhang, Tang, & team CHUMā€¦

New <a href="/AJR_Radiology/">AJR</a> Accepted Manuscript:

"Quantitative Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Based Elastography for Chronic Liver Disease: Practical Guidance, From the AJR Special Series on Quantitative Imaging"

By Drs Zhang, Tang, &amp; team <a href="/chumontreal/">CHUM</a>ā€¦