Marilia Souza Pimenta
IR Professor at UNESP-SP and PPGRI San Tiago Dantas. ISA LAC VP. Researcher at @nupriusp & @gedes. Focused on Latin American Security Studies & Governance.
ID: 88230085 07-11-2009 17:32:13
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"Somos reféns de reivindicações contrárias ao interesse público feitas por políticos q compõem base ampla do governo. Distância entre vontade do povo e vontade do Congresso nunca foi tão evidente" Brilhante artigo de Dani Rached e Denise Vitale na Folha de S.Paulo…
So thrilled to announce my attachment to the role of Professor at PPGRI 'San Tiago Dantas' (UNESP, UNICAMP, PUC-SP) ( San Tiago Dantas ) in the field of International Security, together with amazing collegues. Excited for the upcoming projects within the Program! 👊🏽🙏🏽
Join us for the next ISA LAC Region virtual event! A panel of experts in #LatinAmerican studies will present on "Missing voices in #InternationalRelations," based on recent publications at International Affairs. The event will be held in #Spanish. Register:
El próximo martes 25/6 tendremos un evento virtual de la Región LAC de ISA sobre “Voces ausentes en Relaciones Internacionales” donde se presentarán los artículos publicados en el número especial de International Affairs sobre perspectivas de América Latina en RRII
Será um prazer enorme participar deste evento: o primeiro na nova casa! Obrigada pelo convite Roberta Holanda Maschietto !
Daqui a 30 minutos! Acompanhem aqui… com Marilia Souza Pimenta e Giovanna Ayres
Starting the 7. World International Studies Committee Conference in Warsaw! A special welcome to all the presenters of the Section “Latin American mosaic: Politics, Hybrid Governance and Organized Crime”.
Figriexternado World International Studies Committee Paula Ruiz Manuel Alejandro Rayran C Kelly Arévalo Franco U.Externado Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales Gonzalo Ordonez-Matamoros The first participation was in a panel as a discussant. Great presentation about Latin America. With Marilia Souza Pimenta as a chair, we discuss relevant research project about Guatemala, Panama and also Brazil and the relation between political violence and governance