Dani Bruno
Investigador postdoc en el campo de la #Ecología #ConservaciónBiodiversidad #CambioGlobal #CienciaCiudadana. Divulgo en mis ratos libres. @ecomandanga 🌍🏞️
ID: 1750246183
07-09-2013 14:47:36
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Take a look on our just recently published paper on PeerJ Publishing where we create an R package for #biomonitoring. Led by Alex Laini and Simone Guareschi and with the participation of RossanoBolpagni GemmaGSB Tano Gutiérrez Cánovas @Sleippnir Gabor Varbiro Tommaso Cancellario 🧵 peerj.com/articles/14183/