Australian & New Zealand Intensive Care Society - Connecting the Intensive Care Community
ID: 3796364352
http://www.anzics.org 05-10-2015 21:57:42
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150 Following


matej jenko

Alex Psirides
Co-director @WellingtonICU. National RRT/MET @HQSCNZ. Aeromedical retrieval @lifeflightnz. Once ventilated a chimpanzee.
Adrian Wong
Consultant ICM/Anaes @KingsCritCare PhD candidate @KCLDocStudies @KingsCollegeLon Editor @WICSBottomLine Views my own.
Segun Olusanya (He/Him) iceman_ex@critcare.social
Husband to @monanniecakes| Intensivist @nhsbartshealth| Ultrascoundrel |#FOAMed|@thosewecarry|@ics_updates|@wicsbottomline|@esicm|@tea_empathynhs| 🇳🇬
Angus Keeley

David Anderson
Medical Director @AmbulanceVic; Intensivist @AlfredHealth; Adj Assoc Prof @Monash_Para; Former Paramedic; AFOL; Avgeek 🏳️🌈🏴🇳🇿🇨🇦🇦🇺
david oñate flores
Cardiologo-Intensivista. Ultrasonido Critico/Ecocardiografia. Master in Public Health

Tom Hansen

Sarah E Seaton 🏳️🌈
Paediatric epidemiologist with @TIMMSleicester, co-PI of @PICANetAudit. Associate Prof. #AuntieRara. She/her 🏳️🌈 Views all mine

Fluid Academy
International Fluid Academy promotes #FOAM education + innovation. Mark #IFAD2024 May 10 @ECCC_DUBAI and August 20 @crit_sa CCSSA Jo-burg, #SMACC affiliated
Debbie Massey
Professor, Edith Cowan University
Steve Mathieu
President @ics_updates |ICM Consultant @icu_portsmouth|Divisional Director Clinical Delivery @PHU_NHS|SOA Congress Director 2018-21 |TBL @WICSBottomLine
Critical Care Reviews
The leading critical care evidence dissemination platform. Website, newsletter, blog, book, podcast, livestream & meeting. CCR Down Under, Melbourne, Dec 10-11
Dr Simon Judkins; ED Director Echuca Health #RuralEM @AMAVic. Health equity,social justice,regional/rural health, mental health. #ClimateHealth #Sustainability
Anders Perner
#ICU Rigshospitalet UCPH Collaboration for Research in Intensive Care Vicechair Danish Medical Societies #6S #TRISS #CLASSIC #COVID_STEROID trials #sepsis #RCT
Intensive Care Medicine
International peer-reviewed medical journal for all involved in Intensive Care #FOAMed #FOAMcc 🖋 Write bit.ly/ICMguidelines 📨 Submit bit.ly/SubmitToICM
Jean-Louis Vincent
critical care
Prof Daryl Jones
ICU specialist. Researcher in deteriorating patients and RRS.
Anaesthetist | Mum to 3 humans and 1 Honey | Former blue tick | No without guilt; Yes without fear |
Critical Care
Critical Care is an international open access journal that publishes articles in all areas of intensive care and emergency medicine.

Emma Jones
🏡 Melbourne | 25 | 🏥 Physiotherapist | 🏏 Sports Lover
Charlotte Summers
Director of @hlri_Cambridge & Professor of Intensive Care Medicine @Cambridge_Uni; Fellow & DoS @selwyn1882 Tweets represent only my personal views.
Anaesthesiology Perioperative medicine
Andrew Cumpstey
NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Anaesthetics & Intensive Care Medicine, Doctor, Researcher, Adventures & Expeditions
Syed Shahrul Naz
Emergency Physician 🇲🇾 | Emergency Critical Care Trainee | Member of the Malaysian Society of Intensive Care | ED-ICU | EM CCM | PoCUS | #FOAMcc
Airawat ऐरावत
Pediatric Nephrologist. Pediatrician.
Jude VeBa



小谷 祐樹 | Yuki KOTANI
集中治療専門医🥼/ICU研究の輪を広げたい🙌/留学支援したい✈️/重要文献を紹介します📝/亀田ICU @kameda_icu🏥/ Intensivist🇯🇵/Interests: vasopressors, intubation, AKI, sedation💉/ESICM SoMe member📱
Saby hesri
I’m a makeup 💄 artist... I love pretty faces 😊🌹add me up 💕
mayur chillal, MD
Intensivist and anaesthesiologist
Damn! We're in a tight spot!
Ines Mendonça

Zaina Mohamed
اللهم إني أسالك من فضلك ورحمتك فأنه لايملكها الا أنت
A final-year medical student @K_University interested in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine.
Jan-Niklas Heming
MD | Clinician Scientist | Anesthesia and Intensiv Care | Immunology | Inflammation | Neutrophils
Teresa Rincon RN

jesus david lara pineda

World Congress of Intensive & Critical Care 2025
#WCICC2025 is hosted by the Canadian Critical Care Society, Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses, and the Canadian Society for Respiratory Therapists
bhavana kayarat

This is the official account of the Association of CardioThoracic Transplant Intensivists in UK.
Sanath Manjunath

Judy Enamorado

FFICM Prep is developed by a group of enthusiastic Yorkshire ICM trainees to share materials created regionally with a wider audience.
Dr hossam Abdalla
pulmonology and critical care physician
Khaled ali



Carlos Ramirez


Melanie Marti

Chris Kamolins

Georgina Lewis


Jakub Hruby
former crossfit athlete, junior skydiver, interested in ccm
Elizabeth Wake
ICU and Trauma nurse; PhD Candidate; occasionally professional 😊
Alana Brown

Tseten Wangchug, MBBS, MD
Consultant Surgeon
Paul Wischmeyer MD
#Nutrition #ICU #Exercise Physician-Researcher, Professor at DukeMedSchool, Passionate About Patient Recovery!, #Dancer, #ICU & #IBD Survivor, #Ostomy, Dad
Fernando Zampieri
Critical Care Physician. Opinions are my own.
Nasir Isiak
News International Politics Entertainment
Mohamed Salah Abdelhamid