Shrishail Deshpande(@shrishall) 's Twitter Profile Photo

flows can solve a lot of automation/UI requirements which otherwise would have requires apex, lwc dev. if you have not done a good deal of flows yet, start ASAP

Anvisol Anvisto Tech EdHub

Shrishail Deshpande(@shrishall) 's Twitter Profile Photo

With every interview, I learn something new about people,

about how they respond,

how I need to recollect some of my own knowledge or

just go about learning something new on Salesforce, so a feedback is what am always open for

Shrishail Deshpande
Anvisto Tech EdHub

Shrishail Deshpande(@shrishall) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Needless to say, follow me for the daily learning bits and make the learning journey meaningful and join the new job with confidence.

Here is the Day 0, get yourself ready!

Day 0…

Shrishail Deshpande
Anvisto Tech EdHub
