Anthony smith
Class of 2028 | 6โ1 190 | Football - QB/DE| #1 qb in the state of PA 2028/Qbhitlist| ๐ฑ-724-396-4263
ID: 1617638092839555072
23-01-2023 21:39:23
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Week 5 highlights versus Derry! 5-1 onto next week! 16/25 passing for 296 yards and 4 touchdowns. hudl.com/v/2QEwwn Ben Tenuta Mike McMahon Southmoreland Football Terry M. Smith 2Tenths Speed & Agility VicCastilloPRZ Adam Caltury Ryan Matviko QBHitList.com Justin King | IG: J.King_LIG PA Today Cover Three Athletics