Prof Andrew Wardley 🦋
Chair @cancerserviceuk | Chair @ACPUK | #andrewwardley #oncologist #Law #Equality #Whistleblowing #Innovation #BreastCancer #MedOnc. Views my own
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https://andrew-wardley.com/ 08-02-2014 00:42:40
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🗣 "Managers who silence whistleblowers ‘will never work in NHS again’, vows Wes Streeting MP" Read article on commitments for #Whistleblowers - theguardian.com/politics/artic… Many #doctors #patients who have suffered because of the poor leadership in Trusts will require concrete

NHS England Its easy to comment on what we see on the streets but what about the thuggery that exists within the NHS workforce? #andrewwardley #SpeakUp #whistleblowers Join us at a public hearing scheduled for 7- 8 August 2024 at Manchester Employment Tribunal as we share evidence and

Martyn Pitman Wes Streeting MP I will be holding him to account Martyn, OK, I'm one voice and insignificant in the great scheme of things but I won't be silenced. I spent last evening speaking with a Doctor who was planning to end his life due to bullying from a senior manager. Protected by the top team

Let justice be done. Let justice be seen to be done. Email the Tribunal on [email protected] by 4pm today requesting to observe Prof Andrew Wardley 🦋 v The Christie NHS NHS Hospital Foundation Trust. Via Carien Rai 🦋

Wes Streeting MP Jade Botterill MP Maya Ellis MP ☀️ Keir Starmer meet.video.justice.gov.uk/go/e6f6c1bd-39… THE CVP DETAILS FOR HEARING

🩺 | Our chair helen fernandes says she's shocked but not surprised by the #StateOfMed report into the workplace experience of doctors in the UK dauk.org/news/2024/08/0…

Prof Andrew Wardley 🦋 GMC Martyn Pitman I agree Andrew. Sadly our union The BMA have a poor history of supporting whistleblowers. They would rather we took a bung and signed a NDA preventing us from speaking if this again. Philip Banfield 💙 thetimes.com/article/no-hel…

Real change will come if audio recordings of tribunal hearings become accessible to the parties & the judiciary on an ET platform. IT IS THEIR OWN DATA, AFTER ALL. Costly transcripts with errors, omissions & 'inaudible' parts do not serve justice. David Hencke EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL WATCH UK

NHS Whistleblowers still faced with victimisation. Time to act Wes Streeting MP Department of Health and Social Care hsj.co.uk/workforce/whis… Prof Andrew Wardley 🦋 Carien Rai 🦋 Martyn Pitman Peter Duffy

Paul Fitzgerald Wes Streeting MP Department of Health and Social Care Prof Andrew Wardley 🦋 Carien Rai 🦋 Martyn Pitman Peter Duffy The future is uncertain Paul. The outcome is unknown. We have taken a great risk to speak the truth. To stand on the side of Justice. However this turns out I for one will have no regret. 🌈

Why are so many people leaving the NHS? NHS NHS England @DHSC Equalities & Justice North West EJNW UK House of Commons @nhsmillion Royal College of Physicians linkedin.com/feed/update/ur…