Andreas Milias-Argeitis
Associate professor, Molecular Systems Biology group, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences & Biotechnology Institute
ID: 770639299356262400
https://sites.google.com/rug.nl/milias-argeitis-lab 30-08-2016 15:08:21
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⚡️New bioRxiv from the lab!⚡️ Wonderful collaboration with the labs of CDV, Teleman Lab, and VanniLab, spearheaded by Raffaele Nicastro and Laura Brohee. Short 🧵 below 👇 biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

TORC1 and PKA share many targets, but we don't know how most of these targets integrate signals from the two pathways. In our new preprint, Luc-Alban Vuillemenot explores how TORC1 and PKA converge on Sfp1, a key regulator of yeast ribosome biogenesis: biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Congratulations to the Heinemann lab and @[email protected] at University of Groningen, and especially Vakil Vakil Takhaveev for their cool work! You can read all about it in Nature Metabolism. nature.com/articles/s4225…

Our group has an open PhD position on growth regulation and the cell cycle. If you enjoy exploring fundamental biological questions, come join our group University of Groningen GBBResearch. Further details & application link: rug.nl/about-ug/work-… Please RT.

Interested in sustainable food production via engineered gas-fermenting microbes? Our collaborative European Innovation Council project HYDROCOW is funded. We have an open Ph.D. and a 4y PD position. GBBResearch University of Groningen Andreas Meyer PhD: tinyurl.com/5n8kx72m PD: tinyurl.com/3uet537c

Please share! I am looking for a PhD student in Amsterdam, together with Yuval Mulla, to study phages in microbial communities. Interested? Check the job ad to apply or contact me with questions! MSc required, deadline Sept 30. workingat.vu.nl/ad/phd-positio…