Amy Diehl, Ph.D.
📖 GLASS WALLS (@RLPGBooks), CIO, Gender Bias Expert, Researcher, Consultant, Speaker, Traveler, Cyclist, Feminist, Equalist.
ID: 4440431
https://amy-diehl.com 13-04-2007 02:27:43
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Can Mark Cuban buy Twitter? Please!

"Vance seems to think that people who do not have children also cannot have empathy." When in fact it is he who has no compassion for people, particularly women, who don't meet his lifestyle standards. Monica Hesse washingtonpost.com/style/power/20…

Single women are less likely to be conservative and vote for Trump/Vance. Not because they are miserable, but bc they have a sense of 'gender-linked fate', that what happens to women in society generally will personally affect them. Prof. Leah Ruppanner theconversation.com/jd-vance-got-s…

When America needed women in the workforce due to war, the U.S. government stepped up. The 1943 Lanham Act gave $20M to create universal childcare which enrolled 550K children. The US could and should do the same thing today. Petula Dvorak washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/…

Among other remote work benefits, traffic is now moving about 2 - 3 miles/hr faster during the morning commute, which reduces the need for additional transportation infrastructure & saves the typical commuter a few min a day. Nick Bloom imf.org/en/Publication…

Study finds women governors 1.2x more likely than male counterparts to pass proposed legislation (N=1,088 proposals) in their State of the State speeches. States led by women also had lower unemployment rates & fewer excess deaths due to Covid.Kara Alaimo, PhD bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…