PhD Candidate @ McMaster Immunology Research Centre | Food Allergy and B Cells🔬🧫
ID: 1135915297
31-01-2013 03:30:57
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I am grateful to work with so many fantastic #WomenInSTEM at McMaster Immunology
Would love to see Medical Sciences follow suit
We strongly believe that graduate students deserve to be fairly compensated to match inflation, as well as feel adequately supported by administration. To begin to combat this issue, we wrote a letter to our graduate program Medical Sciences
Emily Feng Despite my appointment in Medicine, I take almost all my graduate students through BBS because they have more staff support. I have also paid my MedSci students BBS rates. I have raised these (and other) concerns at the IQAP review of the MedSci. You're right to push for better.
McMaster University Health Sciences Grad Medical Sciences why are Biochemistry PhD students getting paid >$12,000 more than MedSci PhD students? Ana Portillo…
Exciting Workshop on "Dynamics of B cell memory" at the #KSBCELLS23 co-chaired with Kim Good-Jacobson. The memory field is moving fast! Thanks Brian Laidlaw, Pascal Chappert, Manon Termote, Allyssa, Eva Conde García, Zhixin Jing, Haewon Sohn and Theresa Pinter for your great talks!
Delighted to announce that our study is out on BioRxiv. I feel very fortunate to have been a co-first author on this project with Kelly Bruton
Researchers with McMaster University Department of Medicine have discovered a new cell that remembers your allergies. Josh Koenig PhD Kelly Bruton ALK Allyssa McMaster University
We found type 2 polarized memory B cells! (Maybe the equivalent of Th2 cells?) I am so excited to see this paper published Science Translational Medicine! This was a team effort pushed by myself, Allyssa, Kelly Bruton and our colleagues ALK. 🧵1/18…