Alison Mckenzie-Folan (@alisonmc_f) 's Twitter Profile
Alison Mckenzie-Folan


Mum ❤️ #BeKind | CEO @WiganCouncil | Place Lead @Healthier_Wigan @NHS_GM | Board @theinetwork @Solace_UK @opendatamcr @digileaders @wiganleighcol @GM_Culture

ID: 314536935

link calendar_today10-06-2011 12:24:11

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Alison Mckenzie-Folan (@alisonmc_f) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yesterday was ⬇️ Wigan Council Emergency Planning - vital services running & supporting communities Mayor of Greater Manchester GM #covid19UK Committee Telecon with Boris Johnson & Local Government Association (LGA) @MarkLloydLGA. Dedication & commitment from #TeamWigan ❤️ Be strong & #BeKind, we will get through this.

Yesterday was ⬇️
<a href="/WiganCouncil/">Wigan Council</a> Emergency Planning - vital services running &amp; supporting communities
<a href="/MayorofGM/">Mayor of Greater Manchester</a> GM #covid19UK Committee 
Telecon with <a href="/BorisJohnson/">Boris Johnson</a> &amp; <a href="/LGAcomms/">Local Government Association (LGA)</a> @MarkLloydLGA. Dedication &amp; commitment from #TeamWigan ❤️ 
Be strong &amp; #BeKind, we will get through this.