Alison Young
New: Associate Editor for Investigations + investigative reporter @Hou_Landing, [email protected]. Pandora’s Gamble author [email protected]
ID: 25924156
https://bit.ly/pandorasgamble 23-03-2009 01:18:24
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.Dept. of Agriculture confirms 3 dairy herds in California have tested positive for #H5N1 #birdflu. Interesting to see them push this out on a holiday. aphis.usda.gov/livestock-poul…

The origin of the Covid-19 pandemic remains unsolved. Latest from World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

“Pfizer is creating that situation,” says South Carolina pediatrician Deborah Greenhouse. She wants 100% returns for all covid shots. “If you’re only going to let us return 30%, we’re not going to buy much,” she says. “We can’t.” Jackie Fortiér reports: kffhealthnews.org/news/article/c…

A reminder that as of July, just 17 of Missouri’s 60,000 dairy cows had been tested for H5N1. Good Columbia Missourian reporting here: columbiamissourian.com/news/local/few…