affective.brain (@affectivebrain) 's Twitter Profile


We are the Affective Brain Lab – Tali Sharot’s lab at UCL. Updates on our work on the brain, emotion, belief, learning and other interests of lab members

ID: 465023535

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Laura Globig (@laura_k_globig) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Using a ‘(Dis)Trust’ button to halt the spread of misinformation online Happy to share our paper out now in eLife - the journal (old model) w/ Nora Holtz & affective.brain (1/n)

Cass Sunstein (@casssunstein) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very important paper: The illusory truth effect leads to the spread of misinformation. (Note: The illusory truth effect means that people tend to believe statements that they hear repeatedly.) affective.brain…

Bastien Blain (@bastien__blain) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New publication in Nature Mental Health on intrinsic rewards with affective.brain and India Pinhorn !… In brief: we show that sensitivity to intrinsic rewards is partially domain general and is positively correlated with mental health. Thread below!

Gaia Molinaro (@gaia_molinaro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Children are notoriously curious, but information may serve multiple, conflicting purposes. How do children navigate such complex decisions, and how does that change as they get older? We collected data from 500+ children (4-12 yo) to find out @NatComms…

affective.brain (@affectivebrain) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The new Mind & Machine Initiative @UCL is recruiting PhD students for Fall 2024 to study cognition, AI & neuroscience. Advisors: Bradley Love, Steve Fleming , Sharot. Deadline Oct 30, but early applications encouraged! Apply:… About MMI:

affective.brain (@affectivebrain) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our lab includes both Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis. We are all shocked & heartbroken by the horrific terror acts by Hamas against Israeli citizens including children. We share deep sorrow for all innocent Palestinian & Israeli lives lost by this tragedy. We hope for peace.

affective.brain (@affectivebrain) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So so so proud of Chris Kelly whose PhD thesis includes incredible work (… &…) & some of the greatest work is yet to come - stay tuned! And now he is off to Stanford HAI . Congratulations!

Hadeel Haj Ali هديل حاج علي (@hadeelhajali2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Look away, and Look Again! "Look Again" by my brilliant supervisor, Tali Sharot, and Cass R. Sunstein — A truly remarkable, timely, and enjoyable read! See ch.8 to learn about my work with Tali on risk habituation (& a pic of me walking on a plank from a significant height!)

Look away, and Look Again!  

"Look Again" by my brilliant supervisor, Tali Sharot, and Cass R. Sunstein — A truly remarkable, timely, and enjoyable read!

See ch.8 to learn about my work with Tali on risk habituation (& a pic of me walking on a plank from a significant height!)
The New York Times (@nytimes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In New York Times Opinion “If people intentionally expose themselves to different cultures, different practices and different forms of government, the injustices around them may no longer seem natural and inevitable,” Tali Sharot and Cass Sunstein write.

Hidden Brain (@hiddenbrain) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What makes people happiest on vacation? Neuroscientist Tali Sharot once posed that question to people at a beach resort. Firsts were exciting and new: the first ocean view, first cocktail sip, first sandcastle. But then, happiness faded. In this week’s episode, how and why we get

David Eagleman (@davideagleman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why do we habituate to things in our life... and what does "dishabituation" look like? Join this week's episode of Inner Cosmos to learn why familiar things lose their shine (& what we can do about it) with cognitive neuroscientist Tali Sharot. #brain

Laura Globig (@laura_k_globig) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 New paper alert! 🚨 “Considering information-sharing motives to reduce misinformation” out now in Current Opinion in Psychology with affective.brain.… (1/n)