Fern Koay 郭 (@_fernace) 's Twitter Profile
Fern Koay 郭


Scientist in immunology @TheDohertyInst @UnimelbMDHS

ID: 2862379242

linkhttps://taplink.cc/fern calendar_today18-10-2014 11:17:49

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Bill Heath (@profbillheath) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Something for everyone! Published today in Nature Immunology 🎉 Our latest collab with Gavin Painter, Ian Hermans & others, packed with mRNA vaccines, TRM, liver immunity and preventing malaria. Doherty Institute UniMelb MDHS Malaghan Institute Ferrier Research Institute 🧵 👇 nature.com/articles/s4159…

Fern Koay 郭 (@_fernace) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A pleasure to be involved in this GzmK study canvassing the understudied but seemingly ubiquitous signature of an innate T cell state.. Congrats to Lydia, Danielle & team!

Melbourne Emerging Leaders in Biomedical Research (@melbourneelbr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you *a biomedical postdoctoral researcher in Melbourne? *interested in hearing about other research around Melbourne? *eager to meet new friends/collaborators? Join us for our 1st Symposium - 1 Sept 2023 Abstract submission/registration open: machaustralia.org/news/advancing…

Wai-Hong Tham (@tham_lab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please RT! Looking for a lovely #StructuralBiologist to join our lab ⁦⁦ourANU⁩ ⁦ Fascinated by infectious diseases, nanobodies and structures, please apply! 🦙 🦙 ⁦Closing date October 1st Postdoctoral Fellow (Tham) - Canberra / ACT jobs.anu.edu.au/jobs/postdocto…

💮Nicole La Gruta (@nicolelagruta1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We wrote a review on T cell aging and metabolism, including unconventional T cells and impacts of aging T cells on organismal aging. We think it's pretty cool 😎 Kylie Quinn authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S10…

CD1- MR1 2024 (@cd1mr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Registration and Abstract Submissions are Open for CD1-MR1 2024 in Hobart, Australia! 🐨🇦🇺 For all info including invited speakers, awards, prelim program, please see our website cd1mr1.com Feel free to reach out via DM if you have questions 🦘🪃

CD1- MR1 2024 (@cd1mr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unconventional T cells/antigen presentation enthusiasts, 4 weeks to submit abstracts to CD1-MR1 2024! We have >20 leaders of the fields confirmed as invited speakers, and multiple travel bursaries set up. Please see the website for all relevant info - cd1mr1.com

Unconventional T cells/antigen presentation enthusiasts, 4 weeks to submit abstracts to CD1-MR1 2024! We have >20 leaders of the fields confirmed as invited speakers, and multiple travel bursaries set up. Please see the website for all relevant info - cd1mr1.com
CD1- MR1 2024 (@cd1mr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Highlighting some of the field's new work and a series of invited speakers in the 2 weeks leading up to #CD1MR1 2024 meeting abstract submission deadline! 🇦🇺👇👇 Register to come see it all, submit your work here: cd1-mr1.com (1/n)

CD1- MR1 2024 (@cd1mr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Abstract submission deadline closes this Friday - we hope you have tons to contribute to one or more of the eight domains below! #cd1mr1 #Australia

Abstract submission deadline closes this Friday - we hope you have tons to contribute to one or more of the eight domains below! 
#cd1mr1  #Australia
CD1- MR1 2024 (@cd1mr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you for the queries and engagement from the community this week, we've extended the 📝 submission deadline by a week to 27th October! ⏳📎🔬🧪 Please RT to all interested, looking forward to receiving your abstracts! MAIT cells iNKTcells

CD1- MR1 2024 (@cd1mr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wishing all our colleagues a safe and wonderful holiday season around the world 🎄🎆🎊 . Looking forward to the field coming together again not far into the new year! Program & accom updates in progress for all delegates 👇 and for late birds - registration is still open too!

Wishing all our colleagues a safe and wonderful holiday season around the world 🎄🎆🎊 . Looking forward to the field coming together again not far into the new year! 

Program & accom updates in progress for all delegates 👇 and for late birds - registration is still open too!
Maria Kaparakis-Liaskos (@mariak_liaskos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to announce that I have recently joined the Department of Microbiology and Immunology Doherty Institute and I am recruiting! Seeking a highly motivated post-doc interested in bacteriology and host-pathogen interactions. Details jobs.unimelb.edu.au/caw/en/job/916…. Please RT

Fern Koay 郭 (@_fernace) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Grateful for the CASS foundation's support for our proof-of-concept work that is so important to bridge fundamental and translational findings. Excited to get stuck into it! 🧪🧫🧬🔬

Fern Koay 郭 (@_fernace) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you Lucie and JExpMed team for sharing our contributions, I've always enjoyed this illuminating series from many inspiring colleagues!