MeerWissen Initiative
MeerWissen - African-German Partners for Ocean Knowledge strengthen evidence-based conservation of Africa's oceans and coasts. Funded by BMZ, implemented by GIZ
ID: 1268231732614115328 03-06-2020 17:24:55
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🗓️ Webinar 22/08/24 #MarineProtectedAreas are lifelines for our oceans - but how do we secure the funds to keep them thriving? 💰 🔧 Learn about practical solutions from the new MPA Finance Toolkit: 🔗… Reef Resilience Blue Nature Alliance The Nature Conservancy
How do seaweed habitats contribute to the #BlueEconomy? Discover insights from Ndeye Bousso, a member of the CLIMALG-SN team. ▶️Watch more on our YouTube channel:… GEOMAR_en Patrice BREHMER
Innovations in #fisheries date back thousands of years, driven by an increased knowledge of target species and their behaviour. This Frontiers - Marine Science research article delves into innovation aimed towards a sustainable future for commercial #fishing. ➡️
Improving the protection, management and restoration of wetlands is critical to our collective well-being and to protecting our planet. Wetlands are: 💧freshwater stores 🔰 natural shields 🦆 biodiversity hotspots 🌍 carbon stores 🎣 sources of livelihood Via Global Center on Adaptation
Good news from a #EcosystemBasedAdaptation (#EbA) project in Mozambique 🇲🇿, which is supported by the Bundesentwicklungsministerium through the BlueActionFund.👇
We cannot live without the blue in our planet. 🌏 Discover why we need the ocean and how life below water affects our lives today. 🌊 via @WEF | Friends of Ocean Action
Hosted on IUCN Engage, but we've opened it up to all. We would welcome you there for the discussion! Registration here:… Pradeep Singh IUCN-WCEL (World Commission on Environmental Law) IUCN_CEM
🚨Last weeks to apply: closing on 15 September!🚨 The #OceanDecade initiative 'ArtWaves' by HIFMB 🪼 & @hwk_ias offers artist-in-residence grants for art projects on marine biodiversity that foster the transfer of knowledge through art. Apply here:
Oceanic #Bluecarbon includes the carbon stored through the actions of marine life, from krill to whales. Take a look at how marine vertebrates contribute to carbon storage and thereby play a potential role in climate change mitigation. Infographic from GRID-Arendal