Dr Willo Drummond (@willodrummond) 's Twitter Profile
Dr Willo Drummond


Poet. Scholar. Debut collection #MoonWrasse out now with Puncher & Wattmann 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ puncherandwattmann.com/product/moon-w…

ID: 83016262

linkhttp://www.willodrummond.com calendar_today17-10-2009 00:42:57

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Stuart Barnes (@stuartabarnes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My poem ‘pua o Te Rēinga’ (Māori for flower of Hades) in the beautiful Underworld issue of Magma Poetry. Thanks to editors Leo Boix, Kate Simpson & Ella Duffy for including this one (thanks for the inspo, Underworld 🎧) 🤍

My poem ‘pua o Te Rēinga’ (Māori for flower of Hades) in the beautiful Underworld issue of <a href="/magmapoetry/">Magma Poetry</a>. Thanks to editors <a href="/leoboix/">Leo Boix</a>, <a href="/Kate_Elspeth/">Kate Simpson</a> &amp; Ella Duffy for including this one (thanks for the inspo, <a href="/underworldlive/">Underworld</a> 🎧) 🤍
Russell Goulbourne (@frenchprofessor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In a world of threadbare metaphors for love, I’m deeply grateful to Gavin Yuan Gao for this in ‘Clair de lune’, published in the latest issue of PlumwoodMountain: ‘Love, you are the sea / seeking the attention / of a single oyster.’

In a world of threadbare metaphors for love, I’m deeply grateful to <a href="/gavin_ygao/">Gavin Yuan Gao</a> for this in ‘Clair de lune’, published in the latest issue of <a href="/plmwdmountain/">PlumwoodMountain</a>: ‘Love, you are the sea / seeking the attention / of a single oyster.’
Anna Iltnere (@beachbooksblog) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I started the Sea Library with 100 books. now I would need around that much to reach 1000. if 1/10 of my followers would give a gift of their favorite sea book on approaching Sea Library’s birthday, that would be possible. it’s just a number, I know, but what a lovely milestone.

I started the Sea Library with 100 books. now I would need around that much to reach 1000. if 1/10 of my followers would give a gift of their favorite sea book on approaching Sea Library’s birthday, that would be possible. it’s just a number, I know, but what a lovely milestone.
State Library of NSW (@statelibrarynsw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 2024 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards shortlists are out! 54 outstanding works by 60 authors and illustrators were shortlisted for 12 prize categories from 834 entries. #NSWPLA See the full shortlist: sl.nsw.gov.au/awards/nsw-pre…

The 2024 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards shortlists are out! 54 outstanding works by 60 authors and illustrators were shortlisted for 12 prize categories from 834 entries. #NSWPLA 
See the full shortlist: sl.nsw.gov.au/awards/nsw-pre…
State Library of NSW (@statelibrarynsw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The judges would also like to recognise Stuart Barnes and Dominic Symes for their highly commended books in the Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry 2024. #NSWPLA

The judges would also like to recognise <a href="/StuartABarnes/">Stuart Barnes</a> and Dominic Symes for their highly commended books in the Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry 2024. #NSWPLA
Audrey Molloy (@audrey_molloy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aspiring poetry collection authors! 2-part LIVE online course starts 29 May. Have you booked your spot yet? eventbrite.com.au/e/poems-to-pam…

Aspiring poetry collection authors! 2-part LIVE online course starts 29 May. Have you booked your spot yet? eventbrite.com.au/e/poems-to-pam…
Stuart Barnes (@stuartabarnes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Delighted that Like to the Lark has been highly commended in the Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry 2024. Thanks to the judges & to Terri-ann White @ Upswell & Upswell Publishing, warm congratulations to the shortlisted & highly commended poets! 🕊️♥️ sl.nsw.gov.au/awards/kenneth… #NSWPLA State Library of NSW

Adam Is What I Give (@revhappiness) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Moon Wrass by Dr Willo Drummond is shortlisted for the Kenneth Slessor Prize for poetry. A lyrical collection of work sl.nsw.gov.au/awards/kenneth… I had the remarkable honour of contributing my art to the work, and it makes my heart sing each time I see this work praised and exalted

Puncher and Wattmann (@puncherwattmann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Massive congrats to Dr Willo Drummond ('Moon Wrasse' - poetry) and Alex McInnis ('as good a woman as ever broke bread' - new writing), whose books have been shortlisted for the #NSWPLA! Buy your copy here! puncherandwattmann.com/product/moon-w… puncherandwattmann.com/product/as-goo…

Massive congrats to <a href="/WilloDrummond/">Dr Willo Drummond</a> ('Moon Wrasse' - poetry) and Alex McInnis ('as good a woman as ever broke bread' - new writing), whose books have been shortlisted for the #NSWPLA!

Buy your copy here!
puncherandwattmann.com/product/moon-w… puncherandwattmann.com/product/as-goo…
Dr Willo Drummond (@willodrummond) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Like Edward Hirsch, I’m partial to thinking of poetry as incantation, and so I adored (& am deeply grateful for) this intuitive and perceptive reading of #MoonWrasse (Puncher and Wattmann ) by Misbah Wolf over at Mascara Literary Review 🙏💙🐟💫

Beth Spencer 📚 🎶✍️ 🌏 (@bethspen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Reading [MoonWrasse] I was able to chart a ship in the shadows of Dr Willo Drummond's glorious book—through my own grief over childlessness, my estrangement from others/lovers, my deep love for ecology, for the mud& muck of various things I have lost, found, re-imagined."

Dr Willo Drummond (@willodrummond) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pinching myself to be a part of the BBC’s ‘Contains Strong Language’ festival as part of Red Room Poetry Poetry Month 2024. I’ll be performing at the Poetry Sydney live-streamed event at Knox Street Bar Sat 31st, 6pm, alongside an exhilarating lineup—can’t wait! 🎤📘✨

Puncher and Wattmann (@puncherwattmann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An insightful review of Dr Willo Drummond's 'Moon Wrasse' by Misbah Wolf at Mascara Literary Review! Read it here: bit.ly/3xY2qJI Pick up your copy of 'Moon Wrasse' now! puncherandwattmann.com/product/moon-w…

Dr Willo Drummond (@willodrummond) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Writers, musicians, are you looking for a brilliant illustrator to collaborate on cover artwork, liner notes etc? I commissioned Adam to provide illustrations for my debut #MoonWrasse and his stunning work elevated the whole collection. He’s also lovey to work with. Recommended!