UCD Physics
Official Twitter home of the School of Physics at University College Dublin
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http://www.ucd.ie/physics/index.html 27-07-2017 14:48:40
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Visiting Prof Toshio Ando’s amazing High-speed AFM Lab @ Nano Life Science Institute WPI-NanoLSI , Kanazawa University é‡‘ć˛˘ĺ¤§ĺ¦ & giving a seminar on “Ionic liquids to control biomembrane elasticity & amyloids” UCD Physics UCD Conway Institute UCD Science Dip. Scienze - Roma Tre UniversitĂ Roma Tre

Delighted to see Prof Pat Guiry Guiry Group awarded the BT Young Scientist Founders’ Medal, presented by Tony Scott. Pat has made an outstanding contribution to the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition, as a long-standing judge and Chair of the Board. UCD Chemistry Royal Irish Academy

Very excited (as an engineer!) to visit CERN today in support of the plan for Irish membership. Pictured with Aoife McGarry, long-standing CERN champion in Ireland Prof Ronan McNulty of UCD Physics, and University College Dublin researchers at CERN past & present.

Our JPhysChemLett The Journal of Physical Chemistry work on the effects of #IonicLiquids on #Amyloidogenesis made the UK ISIS Neutron & Muon Source "Annual Review 2023" ISIS Neutron and Muon Source - check it out on page 30. UCD Physics UCD Conway Institute UCD Science Dip. Scienze - Roma Tre Università Roma Tre doi.org/10.1021/acs.jp…

.UCD Physics seeks to appoint two Technical Officers to support the practical elements of the School's programmes, including those relevant to the MSc in Space Science and Technology. Closing date 6th March. Details here: universityvacancies.com/university-col…

Ahead of the “Scotland-Ireland Space: Growing the Space Economy Together” event in UCD tomorrow (Thurs) Professors Lorraine Hanlon and Prof Malcolm Macdonald ⊕ will speak to Pat Kenny Newstalk at 9.25am about how the successful Scottish space industry could point the way for Ireland.

We had a very early start yesterday (6am) to kick off the annual UCD Physics Astronomy field trip with our final year astro students. Loads of excitement visiting the large telescopes and walking through the tunnels to avoid the extreme cold/snow/wind when coming back at 3am

Well done to our Space Science & Technology MSc students University College Dublin UCD Physics on completing Space Mission Design in Tenerife with our colleagues at the Universities of Southampton Physics & Astronomy and La Laguna. Special thanks to PhD student Cuán & our former colleague Robert!

.UCD Library is undertaking a review of its guide to Academic Integrity to ensure the currency of the material, usefulness of the content, and ease of interaction with the guide. University College Dublin student take the survey to tell us how we can improve. Go to: libguides.ucd.ie/academicintegr…

Visiting Prof Pannuru Venkatesu’s Biophysical Lab & giving a seminar at the Department of Chemistry University of Delhi on “Ionic liquids to control biomembrane elasticity & amyloid morphology” UCD Physics UCD Conway Institute UCD Science UCD Global UCD Research Dip. Scienze - Roma Tre Università Roma Tre

✨Magnetar giant flares are rare explosive cosmic events. Only 3 have been spotted in our Galaxy over the last 50 years. 🔠Using European Space Agency's INTEGRAL space observatory, Dr Antonio Martin-Carrillo UCD Physics was among the first to notice that a recent explosive event was not what

Our NanoBioPhysics Lab’s 2-week expedition with Aadarsh sony Jiajia Wei & me at ETH Zurich visiting Prof Zambelli’s Fluid Force Microscopy Lab for cell mechanics, adhesion, injection, SICM & patchclamp was a blast! Thx UCD Science for funding UCD Physics UCD Conway Institute UCD Research

🛰️EIRSAT-1 has detected its first and second gamma-ray bursts! 💥Gamma-ray bursts are the most powerful explosions known in the universe. Identifying the origins of these events can help scientists to understand how the cosmos was formed. 🛰️EIRSAT-1 carries onboard a number of

Congratulations to all our UCD Science Physics students graduating today in Experimental Physics, Theoretical Physics and Astronomy and Space Science. Special congratulations to those receiving one of our 4 medals for each of the streams and best lab performance.