ERC-funded project, improving our understanding of the rates and drivers of tree mortality globally, and channeling this knowledge into models.
ID: 959390989973643264
https://more.bham.ac.uk/treemort/ 02-02-2018 11:40:11
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Today's fascinating #treemortality seminar by McDowell Lab is now available on our youtube channel. Catch up about rising (?) tree mortality in the Anthropocene! youtube.com/watch?v=vdAXQ8…

Best practice on how to use the GFC tree cover loss data for trend analysis Global Forest Watch blog.globalforestwatch.org/data-and-resea…

If you are interested in forest disturbances and have missed my #vPICO in session BG3.11, you can find my presentation at meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU21/session/… Tom Pugh Jon Sadler Cornelius Senf European Research Council (ERC) BIFoR #vEGU21

Another worrying piece about the Amazon at Mongabay. This article by Ignacio Amigo features our research together with findings from Bernardo M Flores Luiz Aragao and Aline Pontes-Lopes. ForestPlots BIFoR

The draft of the Science Panel for the Amazon Science Panel for the Amazon is now open for public consultation. Please provide your feedback: theamazonwewant.org/public-consult…

After 18 months of zoom calls, fantastic to get together for a TreeMort_ERC and friends writing retreat, great discussions and some very on-brand pumpkin carving! Thanks Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert N. Acil 🌍🛰🌳🌲🌴 Daijun Liu Julen Astigarraga Phillip Papastefanou Annemarie Sijeh Asuk, PhD Susanne Suvanto !

*How* do we know tropical forests soak up carbon and help tackle the #climatecrisis? 1000s of people measuring tree growth & death, in 1000s of plots - for many, many years! Julia Jones 2021 Top 10 Science Stories The Guardian theguardian.com/science/2021/d…

Congratulations to N. Acil 🌍🛰🌳🌲🌴 who submitted her PhD thesis on Friday after 4 years of really dedicated work!! A really impressive assessment of how forest disturbance rates and patterns vary across the globe TreeMort_ERC Jon Sadler Susanne Suvanto Cornelius Senf BIFoR

Productivity increases as a driver of the increasing canopy mortality rate trend in European forests over 1985-2010. New paper led by Marieke Scheel coming out of her Lund University bachelor's thesis Susanne Suvanto Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate TreeMort_ERC European Research Council (ERC) iopscience.iop.org/article/10.108… (1/n)

Never gave a talk which had to take a break due to fire-alarm. Luckily a flase alarm. Thanks to Philipp Porada from Universität Hamburg for letting me present our work, also done by Phillip Papastefanou Daijun Liu Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert Tom Pugh Anja Rammig #ecology #traits @BECC @treemort_ERC