TreeMort_ERC (@treemort_erc) 's Twitter Profile


ERC-funded project, improving our understanding of the rates and drivers of tree mortality globally, and channeling this knowledge into models.

ID: 959390989973643264

link calendar_today02-02-2018 11:40:11

136 Tweet


155 Following

International Tree Mortality Network (@tree_mortality) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today's fascinating #treemortality seminar by McDowell Lab is now available on our youtube channel. Catch up about rising (?) tree mortality in the Anthropocene!…

Tom Pugh (@tompughlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Did harvested area in Europe increase by 49% in 2016-18 vs 2011-15 as estimated by Ceccherini et al. in @nature last year? In this response we argue *no* and revised estimates and clarification from the authors support a much more nuanced interpretation…

N. Acil 🌍🛰🌳🌲🌴 (@nacil_research) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you are interested in forest disturbances and have missed my #vPICO in session BG3.11, you can find my presentation at… Tom Pugh Jon Sadler Cornelius Senf European Research Council (ERC) BIFoR #vEGU21

If you are interested in forest disturbances and have missed my #vPICO in session BG3.11, you can find my presentation at… <a href="/TomPughLab/">Tom Pugh</a> <a href="/Wild_inBrum/">Jon Sadler</a> <a href="/corneliussenf/">Cornelius Senf</a> <a href="/ERC_Research/">European Research Council (ERC)</a> <a href="/BIFoRUoB/">BIFoR</a>
Fernanda Z Teixeira (@fernandaztex) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Next Thursday (10am BRT time) I'll host a seminar by Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert on forest dynamics in the Amazon. Attend it on PPG Ecologia UFRGS youtube channel:…

Next Thursday (10am BRT time) I'll host a seminar by Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert on forest dynamics in the Amazon.

Attend it on PPG Ecologia UFRGS youtube channel:…
Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert (@nanimuelbert) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The draft of the Science Panel for the Amazon Science Panel for the Amazon is now open for public consultation. Please provide your feedback:…

BIFoR (@biforuob) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Registration is open for the (free) hybrid BIFoR annual conference 26 & 27 January 2022 - Transforming our understanding of global forests…

Registration is open for the (free) hybrid BIFoR annual conference 26 &amp; 27 January 2022 - Transforming our understanding of global forests…
Tom Pugh (@tompughlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interested in how the world’s forests are changing? Join our global symposium at BIFoR with world-leading speakers on ecology, ecophysiology, carbon accounting, forestry and socio-ecological systems. The event is FREE both in-person and online!

Tom Pugh (@tompughlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you're interested in European forests from a policy or scientific direction, please do fill in this survey - it's aimed at improved European monitoring information.

Kauane Bordin (@kmbordin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#EAB2021 I am speaking at Ecology Across Borders 2021. Come check out my talk if you're attending the event! >> Biodiversity positively affects carbon sink in the subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forest <<

ForestPlots (@forestplots) 's Twitter Profile Photo

*How* do we know tropical forests soak up carbon and help tackle the #climatecrisis? 1000s of people measuring tree growth & death, in 1000s of plots - for many, many years! Julia Jones 2021 Top 10 Science Stories The Guardian…

Tom Pugh (@tompughlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to N. Acil 🌍🛰🌳🌲🌴 who submitted her PhD thesis on Friday after 4 years of really dedicated work!! A really impressive assessment of how forest disturbance rates and patterns vary across the globe TreeMort_ERC Jon Sadler Susanne Suvanto Cornelius Senf BIFoR

Congratulations to <a href="/NAcil_research/">N. Acil 🌍🛰🌳🌲🌴</a> who submitted her PhD thesis on Friday after 4 years of really dedicated work!! A really impressive assessment of how forest disturbance rates and patterns vary across the globe <a href="/TreeMort_ERC/">TreeMort_ERC</a> <a href="/Wild_inBrum/">Jon Sadler</a> <a href="/sussesu/">Susanne Suvanto</a> <a href="/corneliussenf/">Cornelius Senf</a> <a href="/BIFoRUoB/">BIFoR</a>
Tom Pugh (@tompughlab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Productivity increases as a driver of the increasing canopy mortality rate trend in European forests over 1985-2010. New paper led by Marieke Scheel coming out of her Lund University bachelor's thesis Susanne Suvanto Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate TreeMort_ERC European Research Council (ERC)… (1/n)

Productivity increases as a driver of the increasing canopy mortality rate trend in European forests over 1985-2010. New paper led by Marieke Scheel coming out of her <a href="/lunduniversity/">Lund University</a> bachelor's thesis <a href="/sussesu/">Susanne Suvanto</a> <a href="/becc_sweden/">Biodiv. & Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate</a> <a href="/TreeMort_ERC/">TreeMort_ERC</a> <a href="/ERC_Research/">European Research Council (ERC)</a>… (1/n)
Annemarie (@anneheckes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Never gave a talk which had to take a break due to fire-alarm. Luckily a flase alarm. Thanks to Philipp Porada from Universität Hamburg for letting me present our work, also done by Phillip Papastefanou Daijun Liu Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert Tom Pugh Anja Rammig #ecology #traits @BECC @treemort_ERC

Never gave a talk which had to take a break due to fire-alarm. Luckily a flase alarm. Thanks to Philipp Porada from <a href="/unihh/">Universität Hamburg</a>  for letting me present our work, also done by Phillip Papastefanou <a href="/daijunliu/">Daijun Liu</a> <a href="/nanimuelbert/">Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert</a> <a href="/TomPughLab/">Tom Pugh</a> <a href="/anjarammig/">Anja Rammig</a> #ecology  #traits @BECC @treemort_ERC