Tineke Strik
Europarlementariër @gl_pvda @GreensEFA • Asiel, migratie, rechtsstaat, mensenrechten • hoogleraar burgerschap en migratierecht Radboud Universiteit
ID: 300876743
https://groenlinkspvda.nl/onze-mensen/tineke-strik/ 18-05-2011 14:16:37
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The LIBE Committee Press restarted today. I'm so happy to be Greens/EFA co-coordinator with Saskia Bricmont and to continue the LIBE work with such a wonderful team! In a time when fundamental rights & the Rule of Law are increasingly under threat, our work becomes ever-more important.
Strong call by Mary Lawlor UN Special Rapporteur HRDs to the Israeli authorities to immediately stop to criminalising, torturing and humiliating Palestinian human rights defenders. The next in line of UN representatives urging for respect for international law. When does the EU follow?
The landmark ICJ ruling about Israel's illegal annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories should mean a drastic change of EU policy. Together with 20 colleagues, we are urging Ursula von der Leyen and Josep Borrell Fontelles to make sure the EU complies with international law.
Josep Borrell Fontelles Israel's occupation is unlawful and must be immediately dismantled, repaired and Palestinian sovereignty over what remains of historical Palestine, restored. I am afraid that invoking respect for IHL no longer suffices. The ICJ requires that, and we all need to grasp the