David Bryder
Prof. in Molecular Hematology | Passionate about hematopoiesis & its history | Mentor to future science leaders | Limited social media time, views are my own.
ID: 1729768469640400896
https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/research-groups/bryder 29-11-2023 07:45:27
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Thrilled to share our paper on aging HSC gene expression: rdcu.be/dv7h6. Thanks to Anna Konturek-Ciesla, Shabnam, Rasmus, VetenskapsrĂĄdet, Cancerfonden, Barncancerfonden for your invaluable contributions!

New publication: rdcu.be/dwDsj. A heartfelt thanks to all collaborators, with a special shoutout to Mo for your dedication! Best of luck in your future endeavors! Deep gratitudes to Barncancerfonden, Cancerfonden, VetenskapsrĂĄdet for making this research possible.

Excited to share our latest paper in eLife - the journal: elifesciences.org/articles/91826. Big thanks to Barncancerfonden, Cancerfonden, VetenskapsrĂĄdet and Tobias stiftelsen for support, and to Qinyu + team for dedication!