Sphere Education Initiative
Sphere works with grades 5-12 educators to overcome polarization and promote free speech & viewpoint diversity on the most pressing issues of the day.
ID: 1389976136390746115
https://www.sphere-ed.org/ 05-05-2021 16:16:16
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Shared this new Retro Report video as a tool to teachers today: way to support students in learning how to gather and evaluate sources for background to civil discourse work with Sphere Education Initiative ! 💻 #TeacherSphere youtube.com/watch?v=mhJrie…
The force is strong with the Sphere Education Initiative team in Frisco, TX. Loved having John Snoad and Sarah Nestor Lane with me for what was a really fun event.
Using what I learned at National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Conference last year from Sphere Education Initiative to help facilitate conversations in my Government course this year. Students will be referencing these posters while we have discussions. Brewster Central School District
Another impactful Florida Summit yesterday! Sphere Education Initiative joined our partners from Lou Frey Institute and Jack Miller Center to present a weekend PD centered on teaching new FL SS standards, race and civil rights, and elections/electoral college Allan Carey #teachertwitter #civildiscourse
Spending one of my favorite holidays doing one of my favorite things . “Fostering viewpoint Diversity through Civil Discourse “ with some great folks Sphere Education Initiative Eastern Michigan @UpshurInsti
An excellent event! #sschat Happy to work with our partners Jack Miller Center and Sphere Education Initiative
Great day as Sphere Education Initiative presented for Upshur Institute for Civic Ed Eastern Michigan on civil discourse as a means to reducing toxic polarization. Great day with future and practicing educators, and Tinker the EMU dog too! Thank you Upshur Director Brigid Beaubien! #teachertwitter
Yesterday was such a vibe . Constitutional Conversation facilitated by John Snoad & Sphere Education Initiative . Eastern Michigan
The US is in a housing crisis—homes are scarce and prices are soaring. Housing affordability is one of the top issues this election, especially among younger voters. In this Sphere episode, M. Nolan Gray and American Enterprise Institute's Howard Husock discuss why we have a housing crisis, and what we