Souzi Makri
Past Chair EULAR PARE, Cyprus League of People with Rheumatism Vice President, EUPATI Cyprus Chair
ID: 2864519324
19-10-2014 09:34:58
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Το 2ο Επιστημονικό συνέδριο της ΟΣΑΚ-Cyfpa «Ποιότητα φροντίδας υγείας και ΓεΣΥ: συνεργασία, εκπαίδευση και ενδυνάμωση» θα λάβει χώρα στις 13 Μαϊου στο Κτήριο Διοίκησης της Ελληνικής Τράπεζας cypatient-conference.com 1/2

Great start with the Study Group meeting on ‘Syndemics in RMDs’ at #EULAR2023. Thanks, Elena Nikiphorou, for starting this group 🙏🏻 Latika Chris Wincup Souzi Makri

Patients have a right to be actively engaged in their own care - so why is Shared Decision Making still not the norm? At the Agora annual conference Souzi Makri sheds light. I’m saying more on this here on behalf of the European Alliance for Patient Access Global Alliance for Patient Access

Are you a patient research partner with experience working in a Rheumatology/MSK study? The UoAEpidemiology group of University of Aberdeen iPRePaRe study would love to hear about your experiences in a new questionnaire to explore the perception of PRP work. abdn.ac.uk/iprepare-info

Are you a rheumatology/MSK researcher? Would you like to share your perceptions of the role of patient research partners in research? The UoAEpidemiology group of University of Aberdeen iPRePaRe study would love to hear about your experiences (Link to questionnaire below)

Ευχαριστώ πολύ την κα. Κασσιανίδου που ήταν μαζί μας Lina Kassianidou απόψε

It is a pleasure to work with you Paul Studenic ! I am glad I could help!

A #PRP meeting is such a great start to our Annual Meeting for #HIPPOCRATES_IMI. Thanks to our #PatientResearchPartners, you are just amazing 🥰! Arnon Katz, Denis O'Sullivan, Heidi Bertheussen Maarten de Wit Souzi Makri Elsa Mateus

Χαιρετίζουμε τ ιστορική απόφαση π αντανακλά τ αποφασιστικότητα κ τ αφοσίωση σας NikosChristodoulides καθώς κ τ Michael Damianos η οποία ανοίγει τ δρόμο γ τ σεβασμό κ εφαρμογή τ δικαιωμάτων τ ασθενών Συνεχίζει το συμβόλαιο με την κοινωνία των πολιτών ο Πρόεδρος philenews.com/politiki/artic…