Sofia Iliakopoulou
ID: 735837111086108672
26-05-2016 14:16:53
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Αύριο στο Πρωτοδικείο συζητείται η αίτησή μου να δοθεί προσωρινή διαταγή στο Twitter να μου δώσει πίσω τον λογαριασμό μου Χριστοφ. Ζαραλικος που τον έκλεισε με τη γελοία δικαιολογία πως παρίστανα κάποιον άλλον. Το θέμα αφορά κάθε άνθρωπο που επιθυμεί να εκφράζεται ελεύθερα. Please RT
Our PhD student Sofia Iliakopoulou in @CEST2023_ATHENS "Transformation products of MC-RR with reactive species produced by water radiolysis " & "FBMN & in silico annotation/classification of LC-HRMS data unfold the chemodiversity of #cyanobacteria in water". #TeamMassSpec
79 new #cyanopeptolin variants characterized in just one Nostoc edaphicum strain 😀. By Robert Konkel et al., published today in Marine Drugs MDPI . Happy to collaborate with Hanna Mazur-Marzec's group in this work. Sofia Iliakopoulou MDPI…
COMMENT | Theodore Alexandrov (@EMBL): The author highlights the role of spatial metabolomics as a driver of innovation. #metabolism…
Last week I presented our recent work on the Dissolved Organic Matter at the IUPAC #ISCNP31 – #ICOB11 in Naples. It was full of interesting lectures, a fertile field for new ideas and to build up collaborations. Great time in a great place! Universität Tübingen Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections @func_metabo_lab
1/ Scientists led by Robin Schmid / Robin Schmid IOCB Prague and gathered around mzmine have come up with a new piece of software that significantly speeds up and simplifies the identification of chemicals in tissues. It enables researchers to confidently recognize
ICTC13 Workshop: "MS-based metabolomics for cyano-metabolites". May 4 2025 Chania, Crete. Free for #ICTC13 registered students. With Corinna Brungs Sofia Iliakopoulou Daniel Petras, Robin Schmid ICTC13 mzmine #mzio #GNPS2 #teammassspec…
#ICTC13 Invited speakers announced ! Exciting talks by Petr Dvorak , Pedro Leão Leão Lab - CIIMAR (U.Porto) CIIMAR-UP, Timo Niedermeyer, Hans Paerl, Daniel Petras, Ernani Pinto, Nico Salmaso, Petra Visser More:… ICTC13 #cyanobacteria