Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile
Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰


Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic #Slovakia 🇸🇰❤️

ID: 1489970233

link calendar_today07-06-2013 09:19:26

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Zuzana Čaputová (@zuzanacaputova) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We can still avoid the worst-case climate scenarios. At #COP28, I called on fellow leaders to jointly take more ambitious steps, including committing to reaching #NetZero by 2050. Humanity has the skills, resources and technology to do what’s needed. #Slovakia is doing its

We can still avoid the worst-case climate scenarios. At #COP28, I called on fellow leaders to jointly take more ambitious steps, including committing to reaching #NetZero by 2050. 

Humanity has the skills, resources and technology to do what’s needed. #Slovakia is doing its
Branislav Pavlovič (@brano_pavlovic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

25th Annual Christmas Bazaar in #Riga organized by The International Women's Club of Riga. I sincerely thank the staff of our 🇸🇰 #Slovak Embassy as well as the members of our 🪖 military contingent who prepared an excellent Slovak guláš soup. Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰

Branislav Pavlovič (@brano_pavlovic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In the Baltics, more precisely here in Latvia, our 🪖 contingent (#slovcon) within NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group in Latvia @eFPBGLatvia is making a great name for 🇸🇰 Slovakia. It was therefore a privilege for me to personally thank the outgoing Commander of the 9th

In the Baltics, more precisely here in Latvia, our 🪖 contingent (#slovcon) within NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group in Latvia @eFPBGLatvia is making a great name for 🇸🇰 Slovakia. It was therefore a privilege for me to personally thank the outgoing Commander of the 9th
Branislav Pavlovič (@brano_pavlovic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you Mr. Reinis Brusbārdis, Parliamentary Secretary 🇱🇻 Ārlietu ministrija 🇱🇻 | #atbalstuUkrainu 🇺🇦 ! 🤝 Maintaining unity among EU Member States and within NATO, especially on its Eastern flank, will be one of our main challenges in the coming weeks and months: the Russian invasion of Ukraine, EU

Thank you Mr. Reinis Brusbārdis, Parliamentary Secretary 🇱🇻 <a href="/Arlietas/">Ārlietu ministrija 🇱🇻 | #atbalstuUkrainu 🇺🇦</a> ! 🤝
Maintaining unity among EU Member States and within NATO, especially on its Eastern flank, will be one of our main challenges in the coming weeks and months: the Russian invasion of Ukraine, EU
Juraj Tomaga (@jurajtomaga) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I enjoy meetings w/ young & well prepared leaders. One of them is Cristina Menéndez - Comunidad de Madrid Gen. Dir. for Coop. with 🇪🇺. Very interesting talk & I am looking forward to the next year 🇪🇺 events in #Madrid 🇪🇸 when my country 🇸🇰 celebrates 20 years of membership in the #EU.

I enjoy meetings w/ young &amp; well prepared leaders. One of them is <a href="/CrisMenendez_/">Cristina Menéndez</a> - <a href="/ComunidadMadrid/">Comunidad de Madrid</a> Gen. Dir. for Coop. with 🇪🇺.
Very interesting talk &amp; I am looking forward to the next year 🇪🇺 events in #Madrid 🇪🇸 when my country 🇸🇰 celebrates 20 years of membership in the #EU.
Karla Wursterova (@kwursterova) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today at 🇮🇹 National Conference on Exports and Business Internationalization organized by Farnesina 🇮🇹 w/ focus on strategies to strengthen the export. On 🇺🇦 reconstruction mentioned by Antonio Tajani #Slovakia is ready to cooperate closely w/ #Italy.

Today at 🇮🇹 National Conference on Exports and Business Internationalization organized by <a href="/ItalyMFA/">Farnesina 🇮🇹</a> w/ focus on strategies to strengthen the export. On 🇺🇦 reconstruction mentioned by <a href="/Antonio_Tajani/">Antonio Tajani</a> #Slovakia is ready to cooperate closely w/ #Italy.
Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

30 years have passed since the first 🇸🇰 locations were inscribed in to the UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳 World Heritage List - Banská Štiavnica, Vlkolínec & Spiš Castle. Over the 30 years 5 more #sites have been added & today we can find the #UNESCO sites in every corner of #Slovakia.

30 years have passed since the first 🇸🇰 locations were inscribed in to the <a href="/UNESCO/">UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳</a> World Heritage List - Banská Štiavnica, Vlkolínec &amp; Spiš Castle. Over the 30 years 5 more #sites have been added &amp; today we can find the #UNESCO sites in every corner of #Slovakia.
Juraj Tomaga (@jurajtomaga) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mikuláš is not missing in 🇪🇸. This year our 🇨🇿🇸🇰 community celebrated H.E. Mikuláš visit in Czech Embassy Madrid. We have welcomed him together with my 🇨🇿 colleague & friend Libor Sečka 🇨🇿. 👉 According to the declassified intelligence reports 🇨🇿🇸🇰 kids living in Madrid were excellent❗️

Mikuláš is not missing in 🇪🇸. This year our 🇨🇿🇸🇰 community celebrated H.E. Mikuláš visit in <a href="/CzechEmbMadrid/">Czech Embassy Madrid</a>. We have welcomed him together with my 🇨🇿 colleague &amp; friend <a href="/LiborSecka/">Libor Sečka 🇨🇿</a>. 
👉 According to the declassified intelligence reports 🇨🇿🇸🇰 kids living in Madrid were excellent❗️
Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today we mark the 51st anniversary of the last Apollo mission. 12 men have walked on the moon so far. The last was Eugene Andrew Cernan in 1972. Although he was born in Chicago, he had 🇸🇰 ancestors. He took the Czechoslovak flag on the mission & his footprints are still on the 🌖

Today we mark the 51st anniversary of the last Apollo mission. 12 men have walked on the moon so far. The last was Eugene Andrew Cernan in 1972. Although he was born in Chicago, he had 🇸🇰 ancestors. He took the Czechoslovak flag on the mission &amp; his footprints are still on the 🌖
Branislav Pavlovič (@brano_pavlovic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A relaxed event in the premises of our embassy to continue good #Slovak traditions and to export them to #Latvia 🇱🇻. One such tradition is undoubtedly the #Advent gathering of friends over #Christmas cabbage soup. 🍲 🎄 ☄️ Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 🇸🇰

A relaxed event in the premises of our embassy to continue good #Slovak traditions and to export them to #Latvia 🇱🇻. One such tradition is undoubtedly the #Advent gathering of friends over #Christmas cabbage soup. 🍲 🎄 ☄️

<a href="/SlovakiaMFA/">Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰</a> 🇸🇰
Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Minister Juraj Blanár: „Som zhrozený dnešnou streľbou na pražskej univerzite. Naše myšlienky patria pozostalým a rodinám obetí tejto tragickej udalosti. Úprimnú sústrasť vyjadrujem príbuzným, vláde a občanom Českej republiky.“

European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺 (@eu_eeas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"The European Union is very concerned about Israeli government plans for a possible ground operation in Rafah, where well over a million Palestinians are currently sheltering from the fighting," statement by HR/VP Josep Borrell Fontelles ⤵️!wcwBWT

Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Minister of Foreign & European Affairs of 🇸🇰 Juraj Blanár confirms that today (15/5/24) a violent attempt on life of the Slovak PM Robert Fico took place. While grateful for all the solidarity & support expressed, his thoughts are with the PM.

Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇸🇰 FM Juraj Blanár offers condolences to the people of Iran in relation to the tragic deaths of President Ebrahim Raisi, FM Hussein Abdollahian & other officials. They were dedicated to serving their country & advancing diplomatic relations. Our sympathies are with the bereaved.

Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇸🇰 FM Juraj Blanár: “Congratulations Dr. S. Jaishankar for being sworn in as the Union Minister in the new government of the Prime Minister @NarendraModi. I look forward to continuing our cooperation and strengthening our bilateral agenda.”

Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇸🇰Minister J. Blanár:Vyjadrujem hlbokú sústrasť pozostalým tragického výbuchu vo vojenskom priestore Libavá, pri ktorom zahynul jeden vojak a viacerí boli zranení. Prajem skoré uzdravenie zraneným, aby sa čo najskôr vrátili k blízkym. Naše myšlienky sú s našimi českými partnermi.

Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇸🇰FM J. Blanár: Heartfelt condolences to families who’ve lost their loved ones in connection with the devastating monsoon floods and landslides in Kerala and other parts of India. My thoughts are with everyone affected and I wish the speedy recovery of all injured. Dr. S. Jaishankar

Slovakia MFA 🇸🇰 (@slovakiamfa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

S veľkym zármutkom sme prijali správu o páde lietadla Voepass Linhas Aereas so 61 cestujúcimi na palube, ktoré sa zrútilo vo Vinhedos v štáte Sao Paulo. Vyjadrujeme hlbokú sústrasť príbuzným a priateľom obetí.

S veľkym zármutkom sme prijali správu o páde lietadla Voepass Linhas Aereas so 61 cestujúcimi na palube, ktoré sa zrútilo vo Vinhedos v štáte Sao Paulo. Vyjadrujeme hlbokú sústrasť príbuzným a priateľom obetí.