Sita Brahmachari
Waterstones Award winning children's and YA author, theatre maker and educationalist. IBBY Honour for writing (UK). Amnesty International child rights champion.
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As part of LEEDS 2023 in partnership with the British Library Hive early career writers – Luke Worthy, Freya Bantiff & Safia Khan were commissioned to write new works for Northern Dreaming: a collection of poetry & stories for children from 0 to 12 yrs >> hivesouthyorkshire.com/northern-dream…

Introducing Northern Dreaming! 🌥📚 Welcoming a new addition this year? LEEDS 2023 and British Library have come together to create a special gift for children born in Leeds in 2023 👶 Listen to George Webster read 1 of 16 short stories from the book: youtu.be/FT7sifrrkSE

sitabrahmachari.com/blog/sri-lanka… Reflections on. visit to Sri Lanka to hold creative writing workshops using the patchwork storytelling method. The Gratiaen Trust British Council Arts

Looking forward to 8 Out Of 10 Bats tonight - great to have a wildlife show that can celebrate new talent and address and debate important issues that mainstream media shies away from Chris Packham Megan McCubbin Raptor Persecution UK theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2…

A beautiful, timely and deeply resonant visit to Tanika Gupta Pooja Ghai Rosa Maggiora The RSC production of #TheEmpress @Lyric in its second moving, impactful and magnificent incarnation. What a truly wonderful play and company. rsc.org.uk/the-empress/

Calling all young wordsmiths aged 12-16! Unleash your potential and embrace the magic of storytelling with a writing workshop with Sita Brahmachari from our friends The Story Museum. In partnership with The Cultural Programme. Imagine the Future - 11 Nov, 11am storymuseum.org.uk/whats-on/story…

As cartoons & Tiktok videos making fun of people starving in #Gaza, or equating all Palestinians with Hamas circulate, Muslim & Jewish women gathered in solidarity Westminster Abbey. Proud to have been a part of it & this piece by Remona Aly. #BringWomenToTheTable theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

Everything is Connected The Cultural Programme Maria Bota The Story Museum Piers Torday Patience Agbabi Sita Brahmachari 9 November 7.30pm TORCH Oxford Experience Oxfordshire oxfordculturalprogramme.org.uk/event/can-stor…

Line up: Teresa Cremin Sonia Elle McNicoll ✍🏻📚🩷💜💙 Elle McNicholl no less @MrJClements Hydeh Fayaz Sita Brahmachari Megan Dixon Marc Rowland Ruth Baker-Leask Education Resources Service Helen Jones Tracey Thompson 🇯🇲 Lucy Starbuck Braidley Jasmine Tucker and more…

Meet poet &author Gita Gita Ralleigh गीता who shares her writing journey and why writing diverse characters + worlds into children’s writing is so important. pentoprint.org/write-on-inter… #WritingCommunity #sundayreads #SundayThoughts Sita Brahmachari Manchester Writing School Women Writers Network

The right to protest is one we have fought for throughout history. It is fundamental to British 'values' Amnesty UK When Laila discovers the banners her grandmother has carried she is justly proud - it releases a fierce & deep understanding of standing together against hate.

Children need nourishment of all kinds in every time. Jacqueline Wilson National Literacy Trust spoke movingly about the need for a library in every primary school. Good to join forces with the web of children’s book creators to call for opportunity for all our children.

It was wonderful to join forces across publishing with National Literacy Trust Arts Council England to highlight that children desperately need nourishment to thrive. A library (and wish, wish - librarian) in every primary school changes life opportunities. Many can’t believe there isn’t one!

Look forward to this event this evening The Story Museum with such wonderful authors to talk about how children can grow and thrive through sustaining stories that prioritise our shared earth.

Tom Percival great to meet yesterday! Here we are ahead of the panel At Westminster bringing our stories to children so they can go into the libraries of the future as part of the #LIBRARIESFORPRIMARIES campaign National Literacy Trust

Piccie of last night’s lovely “Can Stories Save The World?” panel at the The Story Museum in Oxford. With the amazing Piers Torday Sita Brahmachari & Patience Agbabi Chaired brilliantly by Pablo Mukherjhee. A gorgeous evening full of hope. 💚