Sayantan Dutta
Soft matter| Biophysics|
Asst. Prof @CheEnggIITB|
Prev. postdoc @Stanford, visitor @NU_CDB @FlatironCCB |
PhD @Princeton | UG @IITKgp
From Bankura, WB, India
ID: 1019058268025556992 17-07-2018 03:16:39
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A JRF research position is available that could be converted to PhD, fulfilling IIT Bombay eligibility criteria. Self-propelling active matter and droplets. Ideally with backgrounds in Physics, Chem Engg and Physical Chem. Fundamental softmatter we work. Email me Cv and CoverLett
Looking 4 a PDF/project staff. The person shd b excellent in proteomics. The rsrch involves protein purification, identification, finding homologs, understanding structure-function. The project is specific deliverable driven and time bound. Plz apply to [email protected] RT
Congratulations to the 2024 winners the ACS Gobal Outstanding Graduate Student and Mentor Awards in Polymer Science and Engineering, Dr. Pamela Cai and Professor Andrew Spakowitz, Stanford University. #Polymer #Award #Student #Mentor American Chemical Society Stanford University Stanford Engineering
Our latest work from National Centre for Biological Sciences led by Sree Sreepadmanabh M. Read the article here:…
Congrats Ziyang, Madeline, and Yogesh Goyal on this work!!
Thrilled to share our latest Genome Biology led by Ian Mellis identifying widespread presence of transcriptional adaptation *really cool biology* in mammals w/ data mining & stochastic modeling thx Department of Cell & Developmental Biology Northwestern CSB Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Network NSF-Simons NITMB Lurie Cancer Center…
The application for PhD IITB-Monash Research Academy is open. Along with Prof. Ravi Jagadeeshan from Monash, I have floated a project on modeling of active polymers (IMURA1198). The student will be at Monash for 1 yr. If interested Pls apply @ by 25/8. RTs appreciated.