Ruth Khakame
ID: 961018932
20-11-2012 19:06:01
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We have been the proud financial partner of JF&I Packaging since 1978. Our international network, expert advisory & powerful digital platform, Straight2Bank, has enabled JF&I to support their clients & scale. Let’s talk – email us today on [email protected].
Check out the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights Resolution in the Development of Guidelines on the protection of Workers in the Informal Economy in Africa. Munya Gwisai ZCIEA KUDHEIHA WORKERS Ruth Khakame Robinah kagoye Esomu Simon Peter Obure
To achieve the targets in both Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063, we must ensure that women enjoy their full rights as equal partners in the economy and society. Oxfam International Global Affairs Canada Youth Alive! Kenya #InternationalYouthsDay #TimeToCare
HAPPENING NOW! Youth Alive! Kenya and Siasa Place are livestreaming the #InternationalYouthDay 2024 Citizen Assembly. #TimeToCare #IYDYSO
The workshop on youth participation in good Governance and more so developing solutions that integrate these themes. Equity and Equality remains Constant. Youth Alive! Kenya Uraia Trust Twaweza Kenya USAID Kenya Act Change Transform