Dr. Lisa Edwards
Early Childhood Director, UHD Adjunct Professor, life long learner, devoted Christian, wife, and mother, UH Ed.D graduate #HumbleISD
ID: 4744731578
11-01-2016 19:54:37
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HumbleISD ECE is SO GRATEFUL to Mr. Walter and Ms. Elsa for all of their hard work in keeping the Humble ISD Early Childhood Center clean and pristine every day! 💕🙌🏽 Humble ISD

"Play is the highest form of research." - Albert Einstein Whispering Pines HumbleISD ECE Humble ISD Dr. Lisa Edwards Andrea Barela Mrs Lauren Thomas-Austin #play4prek #prekexplorers

Thank you BrandyHeckman, M. Ed. for all you do! It's been a pleasure working with you for so many years! 🥰 #ShineOn💫

The pigs and chickens are settling into their pen on the Oak Forest Elementary farm! 🐷🐓#EatPlayLearnGrow in Humble ISD!

Don't forget that it's Socktober! Pine Forest Elem is accepting all kinds of donations of things that keep you warm, including socks, blankets, and scarves. Don't you love these student created informational posters?

Read-aloud, explicit vocabulary teaching, positional words, and alphabet knowledge River Pines Elementary HumbleISD ECE

Dream Team Humble ISD Early Childhood Center ❤️ We are so excited for today's Hispanic Heritage Showcase this afternoon. Ray Leah Cowman #prekislife

ECC students and staff are so excited about what is happening with our walls!! All thanks to the talents of the Artists Guy M. Sconzo ECHS it looks incredible ❤️@HumbISD Christy Erb Stephanie Davis

Tonight is ECC’s Hispanic Heritage Showcase (5-6), but I got a special preview I had to share!!! Humble ISD Christy Erb Stephanie Davis

Thank you HumbleISD Foundation for providing funds to help add items to our classroom for proprioceptive input to help regulate our vestibular systems in our bodies and have fun too! HumbleISD ECE Pine Forest Elem

Our Pre-K's Hispanic Heritage Program was muy bueno! The students were dressed in traditional garb and danced away to classic Hispanic tunes, including La Bamba, Macarena, and Un Poco Loco. Excelente Pre-K! Humble ISD #WildcatProud

Community Time Friday started with a story, decorating our Piñatas and a read aloud from our marvelous 5th graders . Pre-K friends were able to explore "engrudo" and work on their fine motor skills to decorate their own piñata. Salandra Williams Evelyn Ayala HumbleISD ECE @

💫 We are proud to work with and celebrate our amazing Humble ISD Assistant Principals! #ShineOn 🌟

🎥: Such a GREAT Homecoming Parade!! Humble High School feeder schools like Park Lakes Elem, North Bend Elementary and River Pines Elementary involved in the festivities!!

The incredible team at the ECC rocked it tonight!!! Such a HUGE turnout for the Hispanic Heritage Showcase!! What a blast! PK Life IS The Best Life ❤️Humble ISD Christy Erb Stephanie Davis