Pardis Sabeti
Professor @harvard @HarvardChanSPH @broadinstitute using genomics to impact infectious disease. Views are my own. @sabeti_lab @1000daysband
ID: 1421082818
http://sabetilab.org 11-05-2013 16:38:50
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📢Save the date! One Health Genomics International Symposium, ACEGID's 10th Anniversary & Grand Opening of ACEGID Genomics Centre 📅October 7 - 9, 2024 📌ACEGID, Redeemer's University, Ede, Nigeria Join us to celebrate 10 years of African excellence in genomics and public health!

"We can start to see patterns in how people behave, how they sometimes cooperate, how they sometimes work against each other in different ways—the chaotic environment of an outbreak." -Dr. Pardis Sabeti #OperationOutbreak #STEM #education

🎯What is happening in and from Ede, Nigeria? Find out how Christian T. Happi and the ACEGID team are pushing the limits of science with genomics in this new Science Magazine feature article by Jon Cohen and Abdullahi Tsanni: science.org/content/articl…

The newest series from Roadtrip Nation is here, and Pardis Sabeti & Tomi Siyanbade are in it! Watch them—and other people who’ve innovated their way to creating social impact—share stories and advice with the next generation. ✨🥳 bit.ly/43KcfX6

🎉Read Prof Christian Happi's profile by Aarathi Prasad in The Lancet. Excerpt: He was expected to become a medical doctor but “had become influenced by reading that Watson and Crick were biochemists”, so instead, he studied “biochemistry..." thelancet.com/journals/lance…

So excited for you Shira!! And so well deserved. Looking forward to seeing you continue to impact science and the world in profound ways. Grateful to have you as a sabeti_lab alumn and new neighbor Harvard Medical School