Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile
Pamela Reynolds


Marine ecologist, team scientist, scicomm, aspiring data scientist, coordinator of academics @UCDavisDataSci, @ZENscientists. Views are my own.

ID: 15493001

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Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How to transition users to maintainers? @gshotwell: give them good first projects, like writing tests. "Technical debt is a social problem" #rstudioconf

Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited for new #Rstats package templar with RMarkdown templates for teachers under dev by @KellyBodwin. Also decorate your code with flair highlighting. #rstudioconf

Jenny Bryan (@jennybryan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"object of type 'closure' is not subsettable" 👆 is a talk I gave at #rstudioconf on getting unstuck and debugging in #rstats Slides and other resources are here:

"object of type 'closure' is not subsettable"
👆 is a talk I gave at #rstudioconf on getting unstuck and debugging in #rstats
Slides and other resources are here:
Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited for #WiDS2020! Join me @ #WiDSDavis for practicing data scientists, early career & those looking to pivot into #datascience. Designed to support women, open to all genders. Lunch topics: bias in algorithms, pipeline, pathways, invisible labor.…

JoVE (@jovejournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

To aid remote teaching & learning as #COVID19 shuts down classrooms, we’re providing free access to all our educational science video content through June 15. Click here to get set up👇

Dr. Sara D. Williams (@saradwms) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Finishing up my first day of teaching Biostatistics labs online. We're using google hangouts+meet for group video chats and it went pretty well! Here's what I've learned so far:

Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks @disney, for doing the next right thing and channeling Olaf: "we call this controlling what you can when things feel out of control." ❄☃️❄

Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Attn #datascientists! COVID-19 open data research challenge launched Kaggle. Collaboration from, Allen Institute Chan Zuckerberg Initiative White House Office of Science & Technology Policy + others to allow #machinelearning and other applications for critical #coronavirus insights. See open tasks here:…

Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Leverage your #datascience skills during quarantine to help make a difference. Example: upcoming weekend #hackthevirus event pairs developers & designers w/ medical experts fighting #covid19.

UCDavis DataLab: Data Science & Informatics (DSI) (@ucdavisdatasci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interested in data science + civic engagement? Join our California Election 2020 Data Challenge! Register for the virtual kickoff on Sept 14 to learn how you can grow your data literacy, visualization and communication portfolio. $$$ prizes for UC Davis finalists!

Interested in data science + civic engagement? Join our California Election 2020 Data Challenge! Register for the virtual kickoff on Sept 14 to learn how you can grow your data literacy, visualization and communication portfolio. $$$ prizes for <a href="/ucdavis/">UC Davis</a> finalists!
Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Come work with me UCDavis DataLab: Data Science & Informatics (DSI)! We're hiring a postdoc in image processing and classification. Job is based in Davis, CA but our team is all currently working remotely. Application info:… #datascience #datasciencejobs #machinelearning #academicjobs

Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited for Sept 14 kickoff of UCDavis DataLab: Data Science & Informatics (DSI) CA Election 2020 Data Challenge! Join a team, apply your data science skills, learn about the upcoming ballot initiatives. UC Davis students eligible to win prizes!… #datachallenge #datascience

Excited for Sept 14 kickoff of <a href="/UCDavisDataSci/">UCDavis DataLab: Data Science & Informatics (DSI)</a> CA Election 2020 Data Challenge! Join a team, apply your data science skills, learn about the upcoming ballot initiatives. <a href="/ucdavis/">UC Davis</a> students eligible to win prizes!…  #datachallenge #datascience
Pamela Reynolds (@plnreynolds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I can't wait for the webinar tonight showcasing our #CAElectionDataChallenge winners! Come join me and hear from distinguished speakers MacKenzie Smith, Mindy Romero, Jesse Salinas, and #ucdavis students.