Osmany Porto
Prof. @Unifesp : IR & Public Policy. Associate Ed. @policysciences , Coord @laboppi. Author: Policy Diffusion & Participatory Budgeting: bit.ly/2n
ID: 1174067109334306818
http://www.policydiffusion.org 17-09-2019 21:06:39
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If you plan on attending #COPPR24, don't forget to register! Registration fees go up after March 15th, so make sure you do it as soon as possible. Registration is free for all students! For more information and to register, visit the link below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ policyprocessresearch.org/2024-conferenc…
Congratulations to Guillermo Cejudo (CIDE) & Philipp Trein (Lausanne) for winning the 2024 Lasswell Prize for best article in Policy Sciences. Philipp Trein @[email protected] Guillermo M. Cejudo "Pathways to policy integration: a subsystem approach" is OA at: link.springer.com/article/10.100…
📢🆕Early view❗️ 👉How do #transnationalactors gain/exert #power & influence domestic policies❓ & How can we understand/evaluate their #authorities & #legitimacies❓ Kim Moloney & A/Prof Tim Legrand present their guest co-edited themed-Issue 👇 academic.oup.com/policyandsocie…
Como marzo se viene con todo, reserven desde ya la fecha para este Seminario: "Innovación Subnacional en contextos complejos" 21-03-2024 en la Facultad de Gobierno U. de Chile Antoine Maillet Osmany Porto Rodrigo Aynol Gallar Pronto más detalles!
Todos y todas invitados a nuestro Seminario "Innovación Subnacional en Contextos Complejos", en la Facultad de Gobierno, jueves 21/03/2024. Con Osmany Porto y destacados colegas. Se agradece la difusión! Facultad de Gobierno U. de Chile Antoine Maillet
Comenzando el seminario internacional "Políticas Subnacionales innovadoras para enfrentar problemas complejos" con Osmany Porto Antoine Maillet Facultad de Gobierno U. de Chile Rodrigo Aynol Gallar
Last week I was at the University of Chile for activities with researchers and policymakers. We discussed the diffusion of innovations. It was very important to more about Chilean experiences. I am very excited with future collaboration opportunities with the Facultad de Gobierno U. de Chile
Todos y todas invitados a enviar artículos a nuestra revista. Tenemos como editora invitada a la gran colega Jeanne W Simon (ella/she/her) - U de Concepcion Se agradece la difusión!
#SpecialIssue #PolicyTransfer Professors Osmany Porto and Cecilia Osorio Gonnet invite you to read our Special Issue on Comparative Policy Transfer Analysis. Click and share the link below to learn how these articles contribute to the field👇 youtu.be/aXGpOfTQI5U
JCPA´s 25th Anniversary was a total success. Thank you all who participated and met us at Beijing! Thank you for your hospitality Tsinghua University Professors, students, and volunteers. T&F Social Sciences and Humanities Dr. Annemieke van den Dool
#FreeAccess #ResearchArticle #Winner You can freely read the 2023 winner of the #JCPA Best Comparative Article Arward right here: rb.gy/0ry0mc More on the award: rb.gy/ktvnl4 And our issue on Policy Transfer: rb.gy/cd621v Osmany Porto
We are hiring! College of Public Policy, HBKU is looking for an Assistant Professor with a focus on Global Health Policy. Join us! hbku.edu.qa/en/CPP-AProfes…