Nutrient Network
collaborative global science * distributed experimentation * grassland ecology on 6 continents (Antarctica pending)
ID: 2275179079
http://nutnet.org 03-01-2014 22:15:50
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Researchers from Nutrient Network have published several papers so far this year. MSI helps manage and maintain NutNet’s plant, soil, climate, and genomics data. NutNet coordinators @e_seabloom and Elizabeth Borer are MSI PIs. z.umn.edu/8t0b U of M Research UMN CBS

A fabulous view of the extensive animal disturbance in this Nutrient Network grassland! Excited to be separating #disturbance from #nutrients in the DragNet Global #experiment!

Late summer on the Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve NatureConservancy.ca | Conservationdelanature.ca Nutrient Network Integrative Biology

Más #TrabajoDeCampo para el #Taxojueves: censos de vegetación en clausuras y parcelas pastoreadas, con agregado de distintos nutrientes. Esta vez para la red Nutrient Network 🐄🌱

Out now in Journal of Ecology! Using seasonal data from 10 Nutrient Network sites, we show that nutrient enrichment increases seasonal β-diversity and alters seasonal dynamics of functional groups in unique ways. Paper: besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/13… Video: youtu.be/czP5c6aQzjc via YouTube

New study from Nutrient Network global cooperation using some data collected by @[email protected] iEES Paris and our staff. Nutrient enrichment increases seasonal plant diversity and alters intra-annual dynamics of specific functional groups. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14182

First day of data collection on the Nutrient Network and DragNet Global experimental plots with Jean-François Le Galliard 🦎🇺🇦. Very hot under the sun! Measuring plant biomass 😀

Fin des mesures Nutrient Network DragNet Global sous forme de sprint avec les étudiants Biologie ENS et xavier raynaud @[email protected] Benoît Perez-Lamarque Jean-François Le Galliard 🦎🇺🇦. Inventaires, mesures de LAI et entretien des parcelles 💪💪💪

Jean-François Le Galliard 🦎🇺🇦 a attrapé le premier serpent vu en dix ans sur un exclos de Nutrient Network. Une jolie vipère aspic

Newest Nutrient Network: Nothing lasts forever: Dominant species decline under rapid environmental change in #global #grasslands Journal of Ecology w #PWilfahrt Elizabeth Borer Pedro M. Tognetti Andrew MacDougall Lauren Sullivan etal #OpenSci #GlobalChange doi.org/10.1111/1365-2…

Anthropogenic eutrophication is a driver of plant community shifts in many grassland ecosystems. Chen et al. use data from a global experiment to assess how nutrient addition affects grassland ecological stability. Shaopeng Wang Nutrient Network nature.com/articles/s4146…

Collaborating with Nutrient Network, Dr Qingqing Chen led this study to understand how eutrophication influenced the various dimensions of grassland stability (invariability, resistance and resilience of community biomass, composition, and richness), as well as their correlations

A new study shows that #Soil #Carbon content is positively related with plant diversity in global Nutrient Network grassland sites, particularly strongly in warm & arid climates. Plant diversity is related to #SoilCarbon via the quality of organic matter.

New Nutrient Network: Positive effect of plant diversity on #soil #carbon depends on #climate #MarieSpohn Elizabeth Borer @e_seabloom etal via Nature Communications #ClimateChange #NatureBasedSolutions #OpenScience nature.com/articles/s4146…

New Nutrient Network: Multidimensional responses of #grassland #stability to #eutrophication. Unpacking the black box of #ecological #ecological stability with a globally replicated experiment Nature Communications #QingqingChen Shaopeng Wang Elizabeth Borer @e_seabloom nature.com/articles/s4146…