Nadja Kadom
Value in Radiology- working with patients
ID: 535286789
24-03-2012 12:13:45
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#ASNR24 Learning more about Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) Emory Radiology Children's

#ASNR24 every day is a colorful celebration of neuroradiologists with Max Wintermark Emory Radiology

The availability of getting quantitative metrics from neuroimaging studies could have a positive effect on our diagnostic certainty #ASNR24 Emory Radiology #SMDM

Patient financial hardship is real- thank you for your advocacy, Gelareh Sadigh, MD #ASNR24 Emory Radiology

Only the hardiest of neuroradiologists venture into the exciting world of health policy #ASNR24 Colin Segovis, MD, PhD Emory Radiology Melissa Chen MD

Excellent DMAIC training for our staff today with Chris Durre Emory Radiology Susan Reich

Congrats to our new radiology chair Geetika Khanna Children's Emory Radiology - celebrations!!!!

This works better for subspecialty rotators than spending weeks in the reading room….. Radiology Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology kwnsfk27.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2…

Thrilled to have Laura Hayes on our team!!!!!! Children's Emory Radiology Susan Palasis Geetika Khanna

Can't wait to move in! Come Inside Children's Healthcare of Atlanta's Arthur M. Blank Hospital youtu.be/f-oZBko2KN4?si… via YouTube Emory Radiology Children's Geetika Khanna

Emory Radiology #QualityTeam in action- setting priorities for 2024-25- it made us happy! Patricia Balthazar, MD, MPH, CIIP Susan Reich