Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile
Nature Cities


A new online journal from @NaturePortfolio launched in 2024 publishing leading research, commentary and analysis in urban research.

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Fritz Kleinschroth (@fritzkln) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New systematic review in Nature Cities on the use of urban green space during COVID-19 shows how much more and what kind of green is needed for future healthy and sustainable cities. Open access:… with Sini Savilaakso D-USYS@ETH Uni Stuttgart TU Berlin

New systematic review in <a href="/NatCities/">Nature Cities</a> on the use of urban green space during COVID-19 shows how much more and what kind of green is needed for future healthy and sustainable cities. Open access:… with <a href="/SiniSavilaakso/">Sini Savilaakso</a> <a href="/usys_ethzh/">D-USYS@ETH</a> <a href="/Uni_Stuttgart/">Uni Stuttgart</a> <a href="/TUBerlin/">TU Berlin</a>
Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As a journal that wants to publish global content, we are aware that researchers have to face many different structural barriers. Here María José Álvarez Rivadulla talks about some of them when doing urban research from and about the Global South:…

Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Contagious diseases in cities involve a question about population density but also about how socioeconomic differences matter. Creighton Connolly discusses the relationship between density and inequality here:…

Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The importance of inequality in the way diseases are transmitted in urban areas was discussed during COVID. Constantine E. Kontokosta's article shows how much, and compared to the role of density, in US cities:…

Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our new issue is out now! This time we discuss the importance of the nature in and of cities with texts from a wide range of disciplines. See our editorial here:…

Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our March issue is live! Segregation, in its many forms and consequences, is the common thread among articles this time. You can see the full issue here:….

Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why does difference in cities matter? Because it creates social and spatial hierarchies. See our editorial about this here:…

Santa Fe Institute (@sfiscience) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌇 📱 New paper in Nature Cities: Geoffrey West, Luis M. A. Bettencourt, & collaborators suggest mapping city limits via geolocated cell phone data. 🌐 This method offers better insights into urban dynamics by tracking people's movements and interactions.…

🌇 📱 New paper in <a href="/NatCities/">Nature Cities</a>: Geoffrey West, <a href="/BettencourtLuis/">Luis M. A. Bettencourt</a>, &amp; collaborators suggest mapping city limits via geolocated cell phone data.

🌐 This method offers better insights into urban dynamics by tracking people's movements and interactions.…
Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Missed our Issue 4? This month we are exploring the tensions that arise in cities, from gentrification and environmental justice to climate change. You can read our Editorial here: We hope you enjoy this issue!

ManuDelgadoBaquerizo (@manudelbaq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New Nature Cities in the BioFunLab Impact of socioeconomic factors on soil-borne animal pathogenic fungi in urban greenspaces In col w/ long-term collaborator Youzhi Feng… IRNAS Sevilla CSIC See also…

New <a href="/NatCities/">Nature Cities</a> in the <a href="/BioFunLab/">BioFunLab</a> 

Impact of socioeconomic factors on soil-borne animal pathogenic fungi in urban greenspaces

In col w/ long-term collaborator Youzhi Feng…

<a href="/IRNAS_CSIC/">IRNAS Sevilla</a> <a href="/CSIC/">CSIC</a> 

See also…
Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Marking our sixth month since launch, our June issue is live! This month we focus on the relationships between nature and inequality in different levels and scales. See our editorial here:

Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are at the #LASA2024 Annual Congress in Bogotá, Colombia. It's great to see such a strong (and diverse!) urban track program focused on housing, mobility, planning, public space, and other in the whole LAC region. Stay tuned for more updates and a summary in the coming weeks!

Andrea Cattaneo (@andrcatt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1/ Just out in Nature Cities, a systematic global analysis of how countries are organized around multiple urban centres. 🧵 This new framework reveals how billions are connected to multiple cities, reshaping our understanding of urban planning. 👇…

Andrea Cattaneo (@andrcatt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Connecting the dots: The Hidden Network of Urban Centres Want to know how a pastor turned sociologist had an idea in 1915 that inspired a global geospatial dataset just out in Nature Cities? Have a look at our blog👇

Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our July issue is out! You can read our Editorial here This issue's focus is on city lines and city skies, which will take readers on issues around interconnections between people and space at different scales. We hope you enjoy it!

Nature Cities (@natcities) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our August issue is live! This month we discuss the power of local insights and diverse methods in painting more robust pictures of cities and how people live in them. You can read our editorial here: We hope you enjoy it!

Nature Japan (@naturejapan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

【注目のハイライト】#気候変動:#沿岸都市 は気候変動への適応が遅い… M. Garschagenらの Nature Cities #論文 Progress and gaps in climate change adaptation in coastal cities across the globe (…) #オープンアクセス #OA

Natural Resource Today (@resourcetoday) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New research sheds light on climate change adaptation progress in nearly 200 coastal cities across the globe. The Universität München-led study is published in the journal Nature Cities.…