Our mission is to create/sustain a supportive community of scientists, showcasing indispensable role of nonhuman primates in scientific and medical discovery
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26-11-2023 21:34:48
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Applications are open for the Google DeepMind Student Researcher Program! There will likely be projects available to work with me and with others in computational neuroscience. If interested, please feel free to get in touch! Learn more and apply here: deepmind.google/about/careers/…

How does the brain implement and switch between different behavioural strategies, such as explore, exploit or disengage? Remarkably, a small nucleus in the midbrain can do it all! A new, exciting direction for my lab led by the amazing Mehran Ahmadlou: biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

SaveTheDates: SimCo 2024 Sept5-7th in Pittsburgh Keynotes Elizabeth Buffalo Julio Martinez &SabineKastner and many more speakers, YIA and posters .... updates to be posted on simiancollective.com Dr. Michele A. Basso Aaron Batista SimianCollective Cory Miller

SimCo abstracts and YIA applications are due in 1 week (May 13th). This year's meeting has an incredible lineup and more events planned. Come present your research and support NHP neuroscience simiancollective.com/abstract-yia-r… SimianCollective

Registration for SimCo 2024 is now up. Come join us and support the amazing NHP neuroscience work going on. Not only do we have amazing speakers but the meeting will showcase research by our next generation of leaders in the field. SimianCollective simiancollective.com/2024-conference

Deadline to register for SimCo 2024 is 8/28 (1 week to go!). We are nearly at max capacity, so only a few seats are left. Register now and come join us for another incredible meeting focused on NHP brain research simiancollective.com/2024-conference SimianCollective

Simco 2024 at SfN in memory of sliman bensmaia (@[email protected]) going strong !!!! ❤️SimianCollective