Louise V Wain (@louisevwain) 's Twitter Profile
Louise V Wain


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calendar_today11-08-2017 08:11:16

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Karen Robinson 🐝🧫💉 (@krobinson204) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On my way to the @MRC_AIM_DTP DTP Symposium in Birmingham today. Really looking forward to meeting many of our PhD students for the first time in person 😀. Its going to be a fantastic event Daniel A Tennant Louise V Wain

PHOSP-COVID study (@phosp_covid) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Online now in ThoraxBMJ Joint patient and clinician priority setting to identify 10 key research questions regarding the long-term sequelae of COVID-19 thorax.bmj.com/content/early/… 1/3

Ed Hollox (@edhollox) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lecturer in population genomics in my Department at University of Leicester - open-ended contract. We are a decent bunch to work with. Please RT. DMs are open, AMA! jobs.ac.uk/job/COQ991/lec…

Louise V Wain (@louisevwain) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Every 10 seconds someone has a potentially life-threatening asthma attack in the UK. We need more research to change this so I’m supporting Asthma + Lung UK’s ambition to see UK annual spend on lung research tripled #WorldAsthmaDay

Richard Allen (@rjallen513) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our analysis of genetic factors determining survival time after IPF diagnosis is now on medRxiv! In this we identify and follow-up a genetic loci implicating the PCSK6 gene as having a role in IPF survival times medrxiv.org/content/10.110… 1/4

Richard Allen (@rjallen513) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you want to know more about our research of pulmonary fibrosis genetics, a recording of my EU-PFF webinar is online. A summary version will be available soon with subtitles in 8 languages (Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Greek and Romanian).

Ed Hollox (@edhollox) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fully funded Wellcome PhD studentship with @lvwain to study the puzzling human 17q inversion in UK Biobank and beyond, starting this September. Why is it associated with so many traits, and what are the likely causative variants? le.ac.uk/study/research… Please RT.

Richard Allen (@rjallen513) 's Twitter Profile Photo

JOB ADVERT! Post-doc position investigating the genetics of fibrosis (scarring) across multiple organs using large-scale datasets University of Leicester! Click here for more info and to apply! jobs.le.ac.uk/vacancies/6126… 1/3

Kerri Johannson MD MPH (@kerriberrikerri) 's Twitter Profile Photo

September is Pulmonary Fibrosis Month! 🫁 If you're wondering 'What is Pulmonary Fibrosis?' then this🧵is for you! Target audience: general public Objective: increase #PF awareness #PFMonth #CurePF #CureIPF American Thoracic Society (ATS) ERS CHEST Canadian Thoracic Society @ALATIntersticiales 1/15

James D Chalmers (@profjdchalmers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Long-COVID is an ongoing public health concern In response to this global challenge, the European Respiratory Journal is calling for submissions on long COVID, postCOVID syndrome and the long term impacts of the pandemic: deadline 1st Nov ERS publications ersnet.org/news-and-featu…

Long-COVID is an ongoing public health concern

In response to this global challenge, the European Respiratory Journal is calling for submissions on long COVID, postCOVID syndrome and the long term impacts of the pandemic: deadline 1st Nov
<a href="/ERSpublications/">ERS publications</a>
Martin Tobin (@martin_tobin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Still time to register for #respiratorygenomics2023 Conference, Leicester, UK, 14-15 November 2023. A fantastic line up of invited speakers & submitted abstracts spanning #geneticepidemiology, #functionalgenomics & #targetvalidation for #drugdiscovery le.ac.uk/genetic-epidem…

Still time to register for #respiratorygenomics2023 Conference, Leicester, UK, 14-15 November 2023. A fantastic line up of invited speakers &amp; submitted abstracts spanning #geneticepidemiology, #functionalgenomics &amp; #targetvalidation for #drugdiscovery   le.ac.uk/genetic-epidem…
Nicholas Timpson (@nic_timpson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Closing on the 1st Oct! Role University of Bristol part of the MRC IEU supported by Scar Free Foundation. Data from Children of the 90s and #pelotas_cohort for research into wound repair. Population health research integrated into basic science #oscarcabello and #paulmartin. University of Bristol job ACAD107094

Closing on the 1st Oct! Role <a href="/BristolUni/">University of Bristol</a> part of the <a href="/mrc_ieu/">MRC IEU</a> supported by <a href="/scarfreeworld/">Scar Free Foundation</a>. Data from <a href="/CO90s/">Children of the 90s</a> and #pelotas_cohort for research into wound repair. Population health research integrated into basic science #oscarcabello and #paulmartin. <a href="/BristolUni/">University of Bristol</a> job ACAD107094