Liver Transplantation Journal (LTxJournal)
Official journal of AASLD-delivering high-quality research in liver transplantation | Editor @drbobbybrown |#SoMe Ed @LizzieAbyMD @rrosenblattmd |RT≠endorsement
ID: 786204331582173185
http://bit.ly/LTxJournal 12-10-2016 13:58:14
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Machine perfusion reduces immunogenicity after liver transplantation. Nice work by the Kings College team published in Liver Transplantation Journal (LTxJournal) journals.lww.com/lt/abstract/99…

Read all about it 👇thank you Amal, Queenie Kirk Wangensteen, MD/PhD Ahmad Anouti, MD #dreamteam

Would you consider MRI to diagnose rejection after liver transplantation? 🧐 This paper in Liver Transplantation Journal (LTxJournal) will make you think twice. journals.lww.com/lt/abstract/99…

Don't miss our Q&A with Therese Bittermann, MD, Penn Medicine discussing her Liver Transplantation Journal (LTxJournal)-published literature review exploring challenges & advantages of living donor liver transplant for alcohol-associated hepatitis. Read: buff.ly/3z8n8a3 #MedTwitter Penn Transplant Institute

A multicenter study of risk of major bleeding in patients with and without cirrhosis undergoing percutaneous liver procedures..the risk is low! … pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39213304/ Liver Transplantation Journal (LTxJournal) AASLD EASLnews The Baveno Cooperation: an EASL Consortium

Critical review alert 🚨🚨🚨 Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and future directions Led by Dr. Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy himself - Manhal Izzy journals.lww.com/lt/abstract/99…

A scoping review of non-medical barriers to living-donor liver transplant. Gonzalo Sapisochin Nazia Selzner and the University Health Network Liver group! journals.lww.com/lt/abstract/99…

We're having an MOC party and you're all invited! Pediatric liver transplant recipients are not just young adults by Jennifer Vittorio Lindsay Y King Nancy Yang journals.lww.com/lt/abstract/20…

Mapping out a medication adherence promotion system (MAPS): Can it reduce graft rejection in pediatric liver transplantation? Sarah R. Lieber, MD MSCR Marina Serper, MD, MS journals.lww.com/lt/abstract/99…

Excellent review alert!!!! Sara Hassan, MD Ahmad Anouti, MD Kirk Wangensteen, MD/PhD journals.lww.com/lt/abstract/99…

🔬 Previous studies have explored the influence of FK levels at 1 to 3 months post-LT on HCC recurrence, new study suggests that earlier time points and exposure levels must be evaluated. Authors: Kazunari Sasaki, MD Kazu Sasaki Liver Transplantation Journal (LTxJournal) pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39172007/?sf19…