Hana Kubátová (@kubatovahana) 's Twitter Profile
Hana Kubátová


Historian and political scholar; author of Christian Nationalism, Nation-Building, and the Making of the Holocaust in Slovakia (forthcoming with OUP)

ID: 1169904609113956354

linkhttp://hanakubatova.eu calendar_today06-09-2019 09:26:19

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390 Following

Michelangelo Landgrave (@michellandgrave) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How many articles are expected for tenure at your institution? The ranges I've gotten is 2-3 for teaching focused colleges, 6-8 for R2s, and 10-14 for R1s. #polisci

Jan Konvalinka (@konvalinka_jan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mimořádná šance pro vědkyně/matky pečující o malé děti. Požádejte o Pamětní grant Martiny Roeselové, a budete si připadat, jako byste dělali na UOCHB!

Hana Kubátová (@kubatovahana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Akože, Soros už nebol dosť dobrý na strašenie, tak teraz vláda prešla na Nadáciu Milana Šimečku? Zbabelci. Prijala som podporu od obidvoch—a som na to hrdá.

Hana Kubátová (@kubatovahana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Need a good book indexer! Worked with one? Do tell! I should get the proofs mid-November, and will have three weeks to complete the index. My book bridges social history and political science, and is ~ 110,000 words long.

Hana Kubátová (@kubatovahana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kde je najlepšie sledovať, aká je dopravná situácia/ktoré cesty sú prípadne uzavreté? Dve vystrašené matky, dve vysmiate deti, cesta z Vysočiny do Prahy. Díky!

Jesse Smith (@jessesmithsoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Simultaneously worthwhile and underwhelming book. Some good history of science, interesting case studies, helpful exchanges between author and commentators. But the answers to the book’s titular question fail to answer the challenges. 1/ press.princeton.edu/books/hardcove…

Silja Häusermann (@siljahausermann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📚 Our book on the transformation of the Left in emerging knowledge societies is out 📚 OPEN ACCESS tinyurl.com/ahuxx6d6 🧵 on key findings. Today: the voters @IPZ @UZH Cambridge University Press - Politics 1/9

📚 Our book on the transformation of the Left in emerging knowledge societies is out 📚

OPEN ACCESS tinyurl.com/ahuxx6d6

🧵 on key findings. Today: the voters

@IPZ @UZH <a href="/CUP_PoliSci/">Cambridge University Press - Politics</a> 
Marek Kwiek (@marek_kwiek) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sorry: there ARE top journals in disciplines & there ARE top institutions globally & in many but not all countries. Not recognizing hierarchies is just counter-productive! And yes, all types of research contributions need to be fairly recognized. Let's not hide the reality.

Hana Kubátová (@kubatovahana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Všetci sme dnes Michal Šimečka. Nikdy som celkom nerozumela, keď niekto povedal, že je hrdý alebo sa, naopak, hanbí za svoju krajinu—ale je mi teraz veľmi smutno. (A možno teda aj trápne za poslancov vládnej koalície, ktorí sa evidentne nehanbia ničoho). Držte sa!