Kubra Khademi (@khademikubra) 's Twitter Profile
Kubra Khademi


Multidisciplinary Franco-Hazara artist from Afghanistan living France. #Feminism #StopHazaraGenocide

ID: 1426248306783576073

calendar_today13-08-2021 18:24:41

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Kubra Khademi (@khademikubra) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Collection Presentation: <br> Pablo Picasso Suite 156 <br> <font size="5">with Kubra Khademi </font> - Museum Ludwig,… museum-ludwig.de/en/exhibitions… via @museumludwig

Kubra Khademi (@khademikubra) 's Twitter Profile Photo

exhibition “Pablo Picasso suite 156 with Kubra Khademi”, in Ludwig museum in Cologne, Germany, was opened 28th October to public. my these drawing are part of the museum’s collection. #FemaleGaze #PopularCulture #Erotism

exhibition “Pablo Picasso suite 156 with Kubra Khademi”, in Ludwig museum in Cologne, Germany, was opened 28th October to public. 
my these drawing are part of the museum’s collection.
#FemaleGaze  #PopularCulture #Erotism
Kubra Khademi (@khademikubra) 's Twitter Profile Photo

throw back on 18 May 2023, Dessau, Germany. and the exhibition opening: KUBRA KHADEMI: Let Us Believe in the Begin­­ning of the Hot Season Season at the KUNSTHALLE in Dessau on May 18th 2023 Curated by Esenija Bannan Film by Greg Bannan

Kubra Khademi (@khademikubra) 's Twitter Profile Photo


Massoud Hossaini (@massoud151) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Confronting & trying to eliminate #Parsian / #Dari language in #Afghanistan by #TalibanTerrorist group is showing how much they are against “National” governance! Also, enduring to eliminate #Shia religion leads the fake country to a total civil war. Separation is the only key.

#WOMENSART (@womensart1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

India's Gulabi Gang, all female vigilante group created in response to a lack of state action against male violence, corruption & human rights violations. Aged 18-60 yrs, members are trained in self defence & are known for their pink attire #WomensArt

India's Gulabi Gang, all female vigilante group created in response to a lack of state action against male violence, corruption &amp; human rights violations. Aged 18-60 yrs, members are trained in self defence &amp; are known for their pink attire #WomensArt
Fereshta Abbasi (@fereshtaabbasi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hazaras have been protesting in Herat for the past few days because they are not safe. They have the right to live and feel safe in their homeland. The Taliban have a responsibility to make sure that they provide necessary protection for Hazaras in Afghanistan.

Sitarah Mohammadi (@sitarah_m) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thousands of people are taking to the streets of Herat — to demand an end to the systematically targeted violence and killings against the Hazara people in Afghanistan — and #StopHazaraGenocide

Massoud Hossaini (@massoud151) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#TalibanTerrorist fighters who mostly are #Pashtun tribe men, arrest #Hazara girls for loosing Hijab & mostly force marriage them as one of their wives! This is another new method for Hazara & #Shia #Genocide. This is so dangerous & will make a real #CivilWar in #Afghanistan

Kubra Khademi (@khademikubra) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On a 3 semaines pour empêcher l'extrême-droite d'arriver au pouvoir. 3 semaines. Il n'y a pas de temps à perdre : signe cette pétition pour prendre part à la mobilisation et non seulement éviter le pire, mais également saisir l'opportunité du meilleur ! primairepopulaire.fr/?recruiter_id=…

Kubra Khademi (@khademikubra) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Monsieur le Président : le 07 juillet appelez à voter pour nous, pour nos droits et pour nos libertés leslignesbougent.org/petitions/mons…

Kubra Khademi (@khademikubra) 's Twitter Profile Photo

i pronounce she in English & elle en français, et i present myself a Franco-Hazara artist who lives and works in France. #Identity