Pablo Iruzubieta Agudo
ID: 1530679863996166144
28-05-2022 22:38:36
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Our new preprint on Neuroradiological findings in GAA-FGF14 (#SCA27B) #ataxia is out! Check it at the link Congratulations to all those who contributed! David Pellerin medrxiv.org/content/10.110…

From UCL Brain Sciences, with the support of a global team, I am thrilled to share our new disease-gene linked to Primary Familial Brain Calcification in Nature Communications. Read here how #NAA60 variants make the brain turn into calcified lumps disq.us/t/4nd64gp UCL The Neurogenetics Lab ION

From Movement Disorders Journal: Friedrich’s ataxia is a rare, inherited, multisystemic disorder known to cause premature death. This study suggests that arrhythmias, progressive neurological disability, and diabetes mellitus may influence overall survival. loom.ly/rFED5y4

El Hospital Universitario Donostia Osakidetza designado como centro de referencia a nivel nacional para el tratamiento de enfermedades #neuromusculares. El neurólogo Roberto Fernández Torrón, explica lo que esto supone #EnfermedadesRaras noticiasdegipuzkoa.eus/sociedad/2024/… @notgip

📢We are pleased to share our latest publication, led by Juan Fortea (from Institut de Recerca Sant Pau) and vmbotwin11 (at BSC-CNS EAPM-BSC) published in Nature Medicine. nature.com/articles/s4159…. We have re-conceptualized APOE4 homozygotes as a genetic form of Alzheimer Disease. Thread 1/9

Estamos buscando una persona para un contrato formativo en la OTC de CIBER ISCIII ¡os agradecemos la difusión! empleate.gob.es/empleo/#/ofert…

➡️Gene Therapy webinar series organized by #EURONMD w/ @ERN_RND 🧠, EpiCARE & European Academy of Neurology. 📚 Episode 5: "Genetic therapies and therapy developments for epileptic disorders" by Prof. Dimitri Kullmann (UCL) ℹ️Register here 👉bit.ly/3UJf8mN

Happy to share our last study about patients with NOTCH3 biallelic variants! thelancet.com/journals/ebiom… Reza Maroofian The Neurogenetics Lab ION CESAR ALVES Rahema