Ian Drennan
Advanced Care #Paramedic, PhD, Educator and #Research in #paramedicine, #resuscitation science. #FOAMed #FOAMems
ID: 2424912619
03-04-2014 04:40:48
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Double Sequential Defibrillation! The Boomerang of Resuscitation ! Back around again with great talk from Advanced Care Paramedic Ian Drennan #RESUS23

Great to chair the presentation with Jasmeet Soar about news within defibrillation ⚡️❤️. Impressive talks by Giuseppe Ristagno (AMSA), Ian Drennan (Dual seq. defib) and Andreas Claesson (drone AED delivery)! The future of defibrillation! ERC - European Resuscitation Council Copenhagen Cardiovascular Research Center Region Hovedstadens Akutberedskab

#ReSS23 Nick Johnson Key points: 1. Ventilation matters 2. Measuring ventilation during arrest is a barrier 3. Both hypo and hyperventilation are of concern 4. New devices to measure and provide feedback 5. Integration with a personalized approach

It’s research day for the Georgian College Primary Care Paramedic students! 5 students groups are pitching their research ideas in the “paramedic dragons den”. Which group will win the fictional $100,000 funding???

Additional evidence is emerging from the DOSE-VF trial ⚡️ In this editorial, Markus Skrifvars and I discuss two sub-studies from the #DOSEVF trial investigators, exploring the impact of: 1) CAG/PCI sciencedirect.com/science/articl… 2) Refractory vs recurrent VF sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

The ultimate in knowledge translation. Case: cardiac arrest ED simulation to test & train our processes for dual sequential defibrillation. We were joined by Sheldon Cheskes who changed practice w/ NEJM pub Dose VF study. Amazing start to the day Unity Health Toronto w/ Simulation @ Unity Health Toronto

Looking forward to spending the day discussing pediatric airway and ventilation with County of Renfrew Paramedic Service Jonathan Lee and Grant Scollay

Johannes Vopelius EM UofT Fayad Al-Haimus cryostat2 Tara Williams Brodie Nolan Ian Drennan talking what we know and the power of feedback with ventilation in OHCA Next step: RCT across ON & AB

Today we are at Canadian Paramedicine Research Day First up Daniel Gold-Bersani sharing his review of Field Trauma Triage Criteria with Need for Dedicated Trauma Centre Care at a single LTH Fantastic LIVE presentation 🙌 Side note - Dan crushed 1400 charts over 2 months 🤯 for this study…twice!

Congrats to Nura!! Winner of the Canadian Paramedicine Research Day Emerging Researcher Award Brilliant presentation and driver of the SR on PH fibrinogen use in trauma with Fayad Al-Haimus Brodie Nolan Mel 💙 Look out for this one! #canPRD