ICLRD (@iclrd_org) 's Twitter Profile


ICLRD: a research and policy centre promoting placemaking through collaborative governance, resilient communities & vibrant places #MU #UU #NCSG-UoM

ID: 3301678137

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ICLRD (@iclrd_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Speaking at the report launch Robert Burns Chief Executive Monaghan County Council spoke to how whole of society approach to communication is a critical task of responding agenciesā€™ during emergency incidents - and more so now in an era of changing methods of communication #Collaboration

Speaking at the report launch <a href="/robertburns73/">Robert Burns</a> Chief Executive <a href="/MonaghanCoCo/">Monaghan County Council</a> spoke to how whole of society approach to communication is a critical task of responding agenciesā€™ during emergency incidents - and more so now in an era of changing methods of communication #Collaboration
ICLRD (@iclrd_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This ICLRD Maynooth University research was funded was under the Shared Island Research Funding 2023 via the All-Island Disaster Rick Reduction Research Programme. Our thanks to the Department of Defence #DepartmentAnTaoiseach Office of Emergency Planning MerrionStreet.ie

This <a href="/ICLRD_Org/">ICLRD</a> <a href="/MaynoothUni/">Maynooth University</a>  research was funded was under the Shared Island Research Funding 2023 via the All-Island Disaster Rick Reduction Research Programme.  Our thanks to the <a href="/IRLDeptDefence/">Department of Defence</a> #DepartmentAnTaoiseach <a href="/emergencyIE/">Office of Emergency Planning</a> <a href="/merrionstreet/">MerrionStreet.ie</a>
ICLRD (@iclrd_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's here! The Draft Revised NPF is published. Public consultation on the draft & associated environmental reports is open from today until Thurs 12 Sept 2024 (5p.m.). An information campaign will run to raise awareness of the consultation process. See npf.ie

It's here! The Draft Revised NPF is published. Public consultation on the draft &amp; associated environmental reports is open from today until Thurs 12 Sept 2024 (5p.m.). An information campaign will  run to raise awareness of the consultation process. See npf.ie
ICLRD (@iclrd_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to Samuel, son of our Director Caroline who will be playing today at half time in the All-Ireland Hurling Final ā¦Cumann na mBunscolā© #INTO ā¦Kildalkey Hurling and Camogie Clubā© ā¦Meath GAAā© What an experience! #GiveRespectGetRespect

Congratulations to Samuel, son of our Director Caroline who will be playing today at half time in the All-Ireland Hurling Final ā¦<a href="/cnambnaisiunta/">Cumann na mBunscol</a>ā© #INTO ā¦<a href="/KildalkeyHCC/">Kildalkey Hurling and Camogie Club</a>ā© ā¦<a href="/MeathGAA/">Meath GAA</a>ā© What an experience! #GiveRespectGetRespect
ICLRD (@iclrd_org) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Everyone at .ICLRD is saddened to learn of the passing of Prof. Stanley McGreal Ulster University Built Envt Res Inst Stanley played a key role in nurturing partnerships and undertaking research in the Centre's early days. We extend our condolences to his family, friends and colleagues

Everyone at .<a href="/ICLRD_Org/">ICLRD</a> is saddened to learn of the passing of Prof. Stanley McGreal <a href="/UlsterUni/">Ulster University</a> <a href="/UlsterUniBERI/">Built Envt Res Inst</a> Stanley played a key role in nurturing partnerships and undertaking research in the Centre's early days.  We extend our condolences to his family, friends and colleagues
Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage (@depthousingirl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Representation is important. Minister @alan_dillon has today launched a funding call to help local authorities encourage the participation of women and diverse groups in local government. Over ā‚¬200k was awarded to local authorities in 2023. Learn more: bit.ly/3WFjpde

Representation is important. Minister @alan_dillon has today launched a funding call to help local authorities encourage the participation of women and diverse groups in local government. Over ā‚¬200k was awarded to local authorities in 2023. Learn more: bit.ly/3WFjpde
DAERA (@daera_ni) 's Twitter Profile Photo

šŸ“¢Calling rural citizens! Rural Needs Act is a key tool to help ensure the needs of rural communities are properly considered by public authorities šŸ‘‰Are there any changes to those bodies listed in Schedule to the Act that you would like to see? More at: consultations2.nidirect.gov.uk/daera/review-oā€¦

šŸ“¢Calling rural citizens! Rural Needs Act is a key tool to help ensure the  needs of rural communities are properly considered by public authorities
šŸ‘‰Are there any changes to those bodies listed in Schedule to the Act that you would like to see? More at: consultations2.nidirect.gov.uk/daera/review-oā€¦
MU Social Science Institute (@mu__ssi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

5 vacancies here in MU Social Science Institute - 2 funded #phd positions on #ERCproject Linloss MU Sociology -3 #artistsinresidence to work #ERCfunded project datastoriesMU Telling Stories About and With #Planning and Property #Data bit.ly/3wcyvc1 #loveresearch #researchjob #datajobs

5 vacancies here in <a href="/MU__SSI/">MU Social Science Institute</a> - 2 funded #phd positions on #ERCproject Linloss <a href="/MU_Sociology/">MU Sociology</a> -3 #artistsinresidence to work #ERCfunded project <a href="/DatastoriesMU/">datastoriesMU</a> Telling Stories About and With #Planning and Property #Data bit.ly/3wcyvc1 #loveresearch #researchjob #datajobs
NI Executive (@niexecutive) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The draft Programme for Government 2024 ā€“ 2027 sets out nine priorities for improving the lives of everyone who lives here. The consultation on ā€˜Our Plan: Doing What Matters Mostā€™ is now live. Have your say at northernireland.gov.uk/PfG-consultatiā€¦ #PfGNI2024 #OurPlan

The draft Programme for Government 2024 ā€“ 2027 sets out nine priorities for improving the lives of everyone who lives here. The consultation on ā€˜Our Plan: Doing What Matters Mostā€™ is now live. Have your say at northernireland.gov.uk/PfG-consultatiā€¦ #PfGNI2024 #OurPlan