Health Data Collab. (@healthdatacoll) 's Twitter Profile
Health Data Collab.


A global network of partners strengthening national health data systems and capacity to track progress towards the health-related Sustainable Development Goals.

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John Grove (@grovejohn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Next phase of the Health Data Collaborative (HDC) begins. 42 partners aligning resources to improve health information strategies at country level. Thanks to our leaders for re-committing. Workplan in the works! Health Data Collab. USAID Global Health Soumya Swaminathan World Bank Health World Health Organization (WHO)

Next phase of the Health Data Collaborative (HDC) begins. 42 partners aligning resources to improve health information strategies at country level. Thanks to our leaders for re-committing. Workplan in the works! <a href="/HealthDataColl/">Health Data Collab.</a> <a href="/USAIDGH/">USAID Global Health</a> <a href="/doctorsoumya/">Soumya Swaminathan</a> <a href="/WBG_Health/">World Bank Health</a> <a href="/WHO/">World Health Organization (WHO)</a>
Health Data Collab. (@healthdatacoll) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The latest news on HDC partners collaborating in countries and on global health data tools and standards: #HealthData

The latest news on HDC partners collaborating in countries and on global health data tools and standards: #HealthData
Health Data Collab. (@healthdatacoll) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tanzania shows great leadership in rallying government and partner commitments to the Tanzania Health Data Collaborative #HealthData

Tanzania shows great leadership in rallying government and partner commitments to the Tanzania Health Data Collaborative #HealthData