Growing Beyond EarthⓇ (@growbeyondearth) 's Twitter Profile
Growing Beyond EarthⓇ


New generation of explorers using botany to help humankind expand beyond Earth orbit. NASA-funded citizen science project. Account managed by @FairchildGarden.

ID: 718672031206764545

link calendar_today09-04-2016 05:28:59

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Ed Miller🧬🔬 (@mr_miller_sci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Chris Speck Growing Beyond EarthⓇ NASA's Kennedy Space Center Fairchild Garden APS Office of Innovation Garfield STEM Magnet and Community School Couldnt get my humidity that high. My room is dry. Also about about 1000 mL of water/week. However, having 2 types of basil, the Cinnamon Basil exploded. The dill and the Genovese basil seem to be hanging on. Got two more weeks so I’m curious to see what the harvest results are.

<a href="/teacherspeck/">Chris Speck</a> <a href="/GrowBeyondEarth/">Growing Beyond EarthⓇ</a> <a href="/NASAKennedy/">NASA's Kennedy Space Center</a> <a href="/FairchildGarden/">Fairchild Garden</a> <a href="/APSinnovates/">APS Office of Innovation</a> <a href="/garfield_stem/">Garfield STEM Magnet and Community School</a> Couldnt get my humidity that high. My room is dry. Also about about 1000 mL of water/week. However, having 2 types of basil, the Cinnamon Basil exploded. The dill and the Genovese basil seem to be hanging on. Got two more weeks so I’m curious to see what the harvest results are.
Heather Magill (@stemagillpsms) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mission accomplished: today is Growing Beyond EarthⓇ harvest day! Even with hurricane shutdown days, our Misome is massive & healthy!!The #STEMrays Space Farmers Palm Springs Middle did an out of this world job of growing trial 1 & we can’t wait to see what it tastes like. 👩‍🚀🌱 PBCSD STEM

Mission accomplished: today is <a href="/GrowBeyondEarth/">Growing Beyond EarthⓇ</a> harvest day! Even with hurricane shutdown days, our Misome is massive &amp; healthy!!The #STEMrays Space Farmers <a href="/palmspringsms/">Palm Springs Middle</a> did an out of this world job of growing trial 1 &amp; we can’t wait to see what it tastes like. 👩‍🚀🌱 <a href="/PBCSDSTEM/">PBCSD STEM</a>
Heather Magill (@stemagillpsms) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Harvest is complete for Growing Beyond EarthⓇ trial 1 for Palm Springs Middle and the verdict is an overwhelming 👍👍👍 Our #STEMrays space farmers also tried fresh pomegranate (many for the first time) and also gave it 👍👍👍

Harvest is complete for <a href="/GrowBeyondEarth/">Growing Beyond EarthⓇ</a> trial 1 for <a href="/palmspringsms/">Palm Springs Middle</a> and the verdict is an overwhelming 👍👍👍 Our #STEMrays space farmers also tried fresh pomegranate (many for the first time) and also gave it 👍👍👍
Mimi Loeffler (@mloeffler3) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DMS QUEST Ss prepare 4 #CitizenScience project with Growing Beyond EarthⓇ & NASA. Ss are growing Misome in MARSfarm growth chamber. Ss will collect & analyze data 2 share with ISS Research. Looking at optimal light for maximizing plant growth while minimizing energy output.

DMS QUEST Ss prepare 4 #CitizenScience project with <a href="/GrowBeyondEarth/">Growing Beyond EarthⓇ</a> &amp; <a href="/NASA/">NASA</a>. Ss are growing Misome in <a href="/getMARSfarm/">MARSfarm</a> growth chamber. Ss will collect &amp; analyze data 2 share with <a href="/ISS_Research/">ISS Research</a>. Looking at optimal light for maximizing plant growth while minimizing energy output.
Dow High Space Farmers (@dowspacefarmers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Dowhighspacefarmers concluded Fall Trial experiments on Misome plants on 11/11! Newbies' first harvest! 🥳Wk4 Ave Rm Temp 20.2C, HMD 34.5%, Total fresh mass: 71.5g(A); 53.1g(B)🌱🚀🌱Growing Beyond EarthⓇ Gioia Massa Jacob Torres Trent Smith MidlandPublicSchools Fairchild Challenge #spacebotany

#Dowhighspacefarmers concluded Fall Trial experiments on Misome plants on 11/11! Newbies' first harvest! 🥳Wk4 Ave Rm Temp 20.2C, HMD 34.5%, Total fresh mass: 71.5g(A); 53.1g(B)🌱🚀🌱<a href="/GrowBeyondEarth/">Growing Beyond EarthⓇ</a> <a href="/plantsinspace/">Gioia Massa</a> <a href="/JacobIkaros/">Jacob Torres</a> <a href="/trentmsmith/">Trent Smith</a> <a href="/MidlandPS/">MidlandPublicSchools</a> <a href="/FairchildChall/">Fairchild Challenge</a> #spacebotany
Dow High Space Farmers (@dowspacefarmers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Dowhighspacefarmers' petiole rescue mission was a success: Leaves still growing!🌱🚀😀DAP24-28:more snapped petioles on the edge of pots! Plus ripped leaves & light-green leaf edge Growing Beyond EarthⓇ Fairchild Challenge Gioia Massa Jacob Torres Trent Smith MidlandPublicSchools #spacebotany

#Dowhighspacefarmers' petiole rescue mission was a success: Leaves still growing!🌱🚀😀DAP24-28:more snapped petioles on the edge of pots! Plus ripped leaves &amp; light-green leaf edge <a href="/GrowBeyondEarth/">Growing Beyond EarthⓇ</a> <a href="/FairchildChall/">Fairchild Challenge</a> <a href="/plantsinspace/">Gioia Massa</a> <a href="/JacobIkaros/">Jacob Torres</a>  <a href="/trentmsmith/">Trent Smith</a> <a href="/MidlandPS/">MidlandPublicSchools</a> #spacebotany